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No. 22. New Zealand, No. 166. Sir, — Government Mouse, Wellington, 26th -June, 1917. With reference to your predecessor's despatch, No. 911, of the 16th November last, relative to statistics of enemy property in New Zealand, and property in enemy territory belonging to persons, firms, and companies resident or carrying on business in New Zealand, 1 have the honour to transmit to you the returns enumerated below, which have been compiled in the form indicated in Mr. Bonar Law's despatch, No. 10, of the 6th January, 1916 :— (1.) Property in New Zealand belonging to persons, firms, and companies resident or carrying on business in enemy territory. (2.) Property in enemy territory belonging to persons, firms, and companies resident or carrying on business in New Zealand. 2. The above-mentioned returns, as will be seen, are made up to the 31st March, 1917, and consequently supersede the statistics which accompanied my despatch, No. 226, of the 13th September, 1916, and which were made in accordance with War Regulations issued by means of a New Zealand Order in Council dated the 3rd April, 1916. 3. As no regulations have yet been gazetted in pursuance of your predecessor's despatch, No. 836, of the 20th October, 1916, on the subject of claims against enemy Governments and enemy persons, the returns under heading No. 2 have still been treated as voluntary, and have been placed under the headings shown in Mr. Bonar Law's despatch, No. 10, of the 6th January, 1916. 4. The statistics shown under heading No. 1 indicate the net amount, the Public Trustee's charges having been deducted; but there have been no charges made so far on the returns shown under heading No. 1. T have, &o, LIVERPOOL, The Right Hon. Walter H. Long, M.P., Governor. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1918 No. 1.

Enclosure. No. 1. —Returns of Enhmt Property owned in New Zealand by Enemies resident or carrying on Business in Enemy Territory (As at 31st March. 1917). 1. Dividends, interest, or share of profits due from any person, firm, or company in the Dominion to any person or body of persons resident or carrying on £ s . d. business in enemy countries... ... ... ... ... 11,789 Hi 3 2. Sums which but for the war would have been payable and paid in the Dominion or colony in respect of Government securities and other securities mentioned in section 1 of the Trading with the Enemy (Amendment) Act, 1915 ... Nil. 3. Shares, stock, debentures, debenture stock, or other obligations of companies incorporated in the Dominion held for or by enemies, and as to interests of enemies in partnerships in the Dominion showing each enemy partner's capital and interest or share of profits ... ... ... ... 4,327 18 0 4. Real and personal property (other than shares, i.e., in companies and partnership interests under '■'>) held in the Dominion by or on behalf of enemies ... 242,474 13 •'! 5 Property held in the Dominion for safe custody on behalf of enemy subjects, such as securities, deeds, personal belongings, jewellery, or cash ... ... 7 0 0 fi. Income received from property already recorded under I and 5 supra (companies and firms do not have to record income under 3. as they have to pay it to the Public Trustee under 1) ... ... ... 2.592 5 5 7. Bank deposits and bank balances in the Dominion due to or on behalf of enemies (returns to be made by debtor, or. as the ease may be, the person or bank holding the deposit or balance, but not by companies or firms whose return under,3 should, include these particitlars) ... ... ... 23,481 18 1 £283,199 7 5