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Return of Convictions of Seamen, etc., for Offences against the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, under Proceedings taken by Masters and Others, reported to the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1918.


Name of Person. Position held. Ship. Particulars of Offence, &c. Date of Conviction. Penalty imposed. T. W. Gool J. Toro .. J. Hedges .. A.B. .. Boatswain Antiope Kumara Desertion Absent without leave Disobeying lawful commands Desertion Disobeying lawful commands Desertion Disobeying lawful commands Theft Seditious strike charges Absent without leave Desertion and making false declaration Desertion Absent without leave Desertion Assault Absent without leave Desertion Assault Desertion Absent without leave 26/3/17 To pay £2 18s. costs. 26/3/17 15/6/17 Forty-eight hours' imprisonment, and be placed on board shi] before sailing. 29/5/17 To pay 10s. and costs. 29/5/17 29/5/17 29/5/17 1/6/17 Fined 10s., and be placed on board ship before sailing. 8/3/17 Fined. 8/3/17 16/5/17 Fined £2 or fourteen days' imprisonment. 16/5/17 Fined £1 or fourteen days' imprisonment. 19/5/17 Fined £1 or sey T en days* imprisonment. 24/5/17 One month's imprisonment. 17/7/17 Fined £6 and costs £1 10s. 17/7/17 Fined £2 and costs £1 10s. 17/7/17 17/7/17 17/7/17 17/7/17 17/7/17 17/7/17 25/9/17 Fined tyvo days' pay. 3/8/17 Fourteen days' imprisonment, and to be placed on board ship. 10/10/17 11/10/17 Ordered to pay- costs. 11/10/17 23/10/17 Ordered to pay 7s. costs. 23/10/17 ! 24/10/17 I One months' imprisonment. 6/11/17 Two months' imprisonment. 15/11/17 ! Six weeks' imprisonment. 26/9/17 : Fined two days' pay. 16/11/17 : Fourteen days' imprisonment. 30/11/17 | Fined two days' pay. 30/11/17 I Fined £1 or tyvo day-s' hard labour. 30/11/17 I „ „ 4/12/17 ! One month's imprisonment. 11/12/17 Fourteen days' imprisonment. 11/12/17 One months' imprisonment. 8/2/18 Fined tw-o days' pay. 8/2/18 8/2/18 A. Elgen E. Kane G. Karlsen D. Vanderhurst . . G. McKenna T. Farley E. Smith J.Allen.. J. Davies T. Kene E. White J. Mathews R. Hand W. Major W. M. Green C. McLean P. Titshall W. Sime G. Anscombe G. Pevreal J. GaUagher T. Wainwright J. Higgins J. Davis P. Russell G. Davis G. Outram J. Ferguson R. Bucldey G. Pevreal J. Patterson J. Canavan M. Maloney A. Marshall E. C. Smith N. Kurokawa P. McPhiUips G. Robinson J. Sage R. Taylor .. | A.B. .. Fireman '. . A.B.' .. Fireman .. Cook .. Fireman .. A.B. .. .. Cook .. .. A.B. .. Fireman .. A.B.' .. Fireman Trimmer Fireman Whakatane Kaikoura Leitrim Port Napier Wnakatane .. Tahiti .. Ngakuta " Westmorland .. ! Wallsend .. Inga .. Orari .. Tofua .. .. Cullala.. Houto .. Remuera .. | Karamea Rimutaka .. j Kumara .. : Mahia .. Ruahine