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sion. We make the further suggestion that the costs of the parties represented by Messrs. Burnard, Bright, Dunlop, and Pitt be provided for in the same manner up to the following amounts : £50 each for Messrs. Burnard, Dunlop, and Pitt, and £100 for Mr. Bright. We attach hereto the complete and accurate report of the proceedings published by the Poverty Bay Herald (marked Z3). Dated at Wellington, this 18th day of April, 1918. W. E. Rawson, \. n Arthur T. Clarke, [ Commissioners.

LIST OF EXHIBITS ATTACHED TO REPORT. Exhibit. F —Search of titles of Mangatu Blocks 1, 3, and 4, with copies of trust deeds. G —Deed of trust, Wi Fere family with Mangatu No. 1 corporate body. Z—Printed form of lease of Mangatu No. 1. C3—Statement of receipts and expenditure for Mangatu No. 1. AA— Report of Mr. A. G. Beere, auditor, dated 27th April, 1914. BB—Auditor's supplementary report, dated 18th November, 1914. WW —Statement of receipts, expenditure, assets, and liabilities of Mangatu No. 1, signed by H. O. Jackson and A. G. Beere, November, 1914. XX—Balance-sheet, Mangatu No. 1, signed by H. C. Jackson and A. G. Beere, August, 1917. H3 —Copy of correspondence, W. F. Marsh with H. C. Jackson and E. H. Pavitt. N3—Letter dated 24th November, 1914, W. H. Skinner to H. C. Jackson. K3—Report of H. C. Jackson to Commissioner of Crown Lands. KK—Waitangirua Station Profit and Loss Account from 4th May, 1908, to 17th November, 1917. X3—Road Contract Account, with statement of expenditure by East Coast Commissioner. Y3—Suggestions of committee for future control of Mangatu No. 1 Block. Z3 —Paper report of proceedings and evidence. B3—Statement of position of Mangatu No. 1. LL—Permanent improvements on Waitangirua Station. A3—Government valuation of Wairangirua Station, dated 13th May, 1915. 03 —Resolutions of meeting of owners of Mangatu No. 1 on 21st September, 1900. P3—Resolutions of committee of Mangatu No. 1. CO—-Confirmation of accounts, August, 1911. „J3 —Trustees' report and statement of accounts, August, 1911. 13 —Rough minutes of meeting of 21st August, 1911. D —Plan of Waitangirua.

Approximate CoH of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing {750 copies), £16 10».

By Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lB,

Price 9d.]