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CABLE BUSINESS. Hereunder are shown the number and value of cable messages forwarded from New Zealand during the financial year 1917-18, in comparison with the figures for 1916-17 : —

The Dominion's outward International and Australian cable business, excluding Press, for the same two years was as follows : — International. Number of Value. Messages. £ 1917-18 ... ... ... 99,585 ... ... 140,21.3 1916-17 ... ... ... 82,582 ... ... 100,752 Increase 17,003 = 20-59 per cent. 39,461 = 39-17 percent. Australian. Number of Value. Messages. £ 1917-18 ... ... ... 80,779 ... ... 21,601 1916-17 ... ... ... 79,926 ... ... 20,716 Increase 853 = 1-07 per cent. 885 = 4-27 per cent. There was a total increase of 17,856 messages, and an increase in value of £40,346,

Via Pacific. Ordinary. iary. Prei IB. Destination. Number of Messages. Value. Value. Number of Messages. Value. i £ £ 78,061 14,085 £ 301 54 International. . Australian ... 60,662 78,061 ... 53,384 14,085 112 118 Totals for 1917-18 ... 114,046 I 92,146 92,146 230 355 Totals for 1910 17 ... ... 114,718 80,553 492 384 Vta Eastern. . Destination. Ordinary. Number of 1 ya , ue Messages. Press. Number of T , , Messages. Value ' International... Australian c ..; ... 38,923 62,152 ... 27,395 7,516 £ 42 58 1,274 590 Totals for 1917-18 ... 66,318 69,668 66,318 69,668 —I I 1,316 648 Totals for 1916-17 ... 47,790 40,915 47,790 40,915 —i 1,423 892 I