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No. 14. New Zealand, No. 108. Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 12th April, 1917. In reply to your despatch, Dominions No. 92, of the 7th February, I have the honour to inform you that I am advised by my Ministers that parcels for Turkish and Bulgarian prisoners of war in New Zealand will be admitted free of duty as requested. Ministers state that this has always been the practice in New Zealand, irrespective of the nationality of the prisoners of war, the authority being drawn from the Field Service Pocket-book, 1914, page 229, paragraph 16. " I have, &c, LIVERPOOL The Right Hon. Walter H. Long, M.P., Governor. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 15. New Zealand, No. 110. Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 19th April, 1917. With reference to the late Mr. Chamberlain's circular despatch of the Bth December, 1898, I have the honour to inform you that the quantities of gold and silver entered for export from New Zealand for the year ending 31st December, 1916, were as follows :— Gold: 292,620 oz., equal to 9,101-71 kilograms, valued at £1,199,212. Silver : 787,053 oz., equal to 24,480-85 kilograms, valued at £85,111. I have, &c, LIVERPOOL, The Right Hon. Walter H. Long, M.P., Governor. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 16. New Zealand, No. 111. Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 19th April, 1917. I have the honour to inform you that my Ministers have given their v consideration to the proposal described in the Board of Trade memorandum of the 25th August, 1916, a copy of which accompanied your predecessor's despatch, No. 691, of the 4th September, 1916, in regard to the organizing of an exhibition of goods of British manufacture to visit the principal cities of the overseas dominions, and that the following is the substance of their reply :— (a.) The New Zealand Government would be pleased to arrange tor the proper care of the exhibition and to defray expenses incurred in this Dominion. (b.) It does not appear likely that the exhibition could be shown in more than one or two cities. If two could be arranged, Wellington and Christchurch would probably be the most suitable. (c.) The Minister of Customs has agreed to waive all tariff charges, and steps will be taken to secure concessions for the carriage of the exhibit by sea. {(I.) There does not appear to be any difficulty in regard to suitable buildings for the exhibit. (c.) The Government are prepared to do< all in their power to make the exhibition a success during its New Zealand visit, and, if ample notice is given as to the probable date of its arrival in this Dominion, the necessary steps will be taken to secure this desirable result. I have, &c, LIVERPOOL, The Right Hon. Walter H. Long, M.P., Governor. Secretary of State for the Colonies.