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Appendix A.J E.—2. The War. —During the year fifteen members of the teaching profession have enlisted to assist the Home-land and her Allies in the dread conflict. Some have been wounded, and two have made the great sacrifice. The Board is pleased to place on record its hearty appreciation of the untiring efforts of the school-children in providing comforts for the wounded soldiers and in raising money for the various patriotic funds. Buildings. —The Board has continued its policy of erecting new or adding to existing buildings and in effecting repairs with its own staff of workmen. With a completely equipped workshop, ample yard accommodation for seasoning timber, and an efficient staff, it has been found that the work now undertaken is infinitely more satisfactory in its results than under the old contract system. A new school has been erected at East Limehills, and additions have been built to schools at Invercargill Middle, Fernhills, Seaward Downs, Mimihau, and to the Springhills residence, and the reinstatement of the old Myross Bush School has been completed. Works now in hand are the erection of a manual-training centre in Don Street (the Tay Street centre being required for the extension of the Technical High School); a new school at Waimatua; the reinstatement of the school at Slope Point (destroyed by fire); and additions to the schools at Waihopai, Gore, Waimumu, and Clifden. Dual desks have been manufactured and installed in several of the town and country schools, and this work will be gradually extended as funds permit. The increased cost of painting-material has rendered it incumbent on the Board to hold over the painting of the interiors of certain schools requiring renovation, but the periodical overhaul of the exteriors has not been neglected, and the buildings are all in fairly good order considering their age. I have, &c, Duncan Gilchrist, Chairman. The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.