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RETURN No. 1. General Revenue Account foe the Yeah ended 31st Maech, 1918. Da. £ s. d. Ck. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations, Ist April, 1917 .. .. 125,931 2 4 By Gross payment to Public Account .. .. .. 4,903, 608 18 6 Revenue from passenger, parcels, and goods traffic, as per Return No. 5 .. 4,687,699 16 2 Less collections for refund .. .. .. 236,789 8 5 *4,666, 819 10 1 Cash in hand, freights, &c., outstanding at stations, 31st March, 1918 .. 146,811 8 5 £4,813,630 18 6 £4,813,630 18 6 ToNet payment to Public Account.. .. .. .. .. .. 4,666,819 10 1 By Working.expenses, as per Return No. 4 .. .. .. .. .. 3,042,906 9 10 Leas cash in hand, freights, &c., outstanding at stations, Ist April, 1917, as above 125,931 2 4 Balance— Net earnings, available for interest .. .. .. .. 1,644,793 6 4 ~~ _ 00 ~ ~ * Receipts as per Treasury accounts ... ... £4,668,223 711 4,540,888 7 9 Balance, Refund Account, 31st March, 1917, as below 18,708 15 3 4,686,932 3 2 Balance, Refund Account, 31st March, 1918, as ; below 20,112 13 1 £4,666,819 10 1 Cash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations, 31st March, 1918, as above 146,811 8 5 = £4,687,699 16 2 £4,687,699 16 2 Collections foe Eefund to Haeboue Boaeds, Shipping Companies, Caeeiers, etc., foe the Yeae ended 31st March, 1918. Dh. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Balance brought forward, Ist April. 1917 .. .. .. .. 18,708 15 3 By Treasury payments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 235,385 10 7 Collections for refund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 236,789 8 5 Balance, 31st March, 1918, carried forward .. .. .. .. 20,112 13 1 £255,498 3 8 £255,498 3 8 J. Macdonalp, Chief Accountant.