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ROLL OF HONOUR- continued. Railway Employees who have fallen in Defence of the Empire— continued.


Name. Branch. Military Unit. .. Wagstaff, F. Wakelin, E. T. .. Walinck, J. Wallace, J. R. .. Wallace, K. J. .. Walters, C. Ward, A. L. Watson, R. Webb, W. W. Wellings, W. West, J. B. Westerholm, N. 15. O. Wharepapa, T. Whitakor, .1. If. .. Whifehorn, S. II. Wiggins, II. A. .. Wilkes, R. Willc-ox. G. If. C. Williams, G. Williams, II. J. T. Williams, J. A. 15. Williams, W. E. . . Willis, E. J. Wilson, A. Wilson. A. 15. D... Wilson, I). M. .. Wilson, R. Wilson, V. II. G... Wilton, II. O. .. Wood, 0. J. Woodall, A. I). .. Wvaft, A. Yorston, T. E. M. Young, F. G. R. .. Traffic .. Traffic, Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive . . Traffic .. ' Locomotive Locomotive Maintenance Locomotive Locomotive, Locomotive .. Traffic .. Traffic Maintenance , , Traffic Locomol ive .. Traffic Locomotive .. Traffic .. Traffic .. Traffic .. ■ .. ! Locomotive .. I Locomotive .. 1 Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive .. Traffic . .. Locomotive Locomotive Maintenance .. Traffic Locomotive 31st Specialist Company. 4th Battalion, 3rd N.Z. Rifle Brigade. Imperial Reservist. D Company, 8th Reinforcements. 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Otago Infantry Battalion. 1st Battalion, Canterbury [nfantry Regiment, Auckland Infantry Regiment. 1st Battalion, Canterbury [nfantry Regimenl Otago Infantry Battalion. 1st Battalion, N.Z.R.B. N.Z. Maori (Pioneer) Battalion. Wellington Infantry Battalion. 1st Battalion, Wellington Regimenl, 2nd Battalion. 3rd Reinforcements. N.Z. Mediae! Corps. C Company, 3rd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Otago Infantry Battalion. Canterbury Mounted Rides. 1st Battalion. Otago Regiment, F Company, 3rd Reinforcements. 2nd Battalion, 3rd N.Z.R.B. Otago Infantry Battalion. Canterbury Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Otago [nfantry Regiment. 2nd Battalion, Wellington [nfantry Regimenl N.Z.R. Battalion. Died whilst proceeding to camp. N.Z. Medical Corps. 1st Battalion, Auckland Regiment. I) Company, Llth Reinforcements. 1st Battalion, Auckland [nfantry Regiment. N.Z. Engineers.