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GLENORCHY. Glenorchy Scheelite-mining Company. (Limited). —Operations have been carried on continuously throughout the year at the Glenorchy, Junction, and Mount Alfred mines. The Alaska and Mount Mcintosh mines, which arc situated at altitudes of over 5,000 ft. above sea-level, were closed down during the winter months, and work was not resumed owing to the scarcity of miners. The principal development-works carried out by the company are as follows : At the Glenorchy Mine a new level, No. la, was started 50 ft. below No. I level, and driven 330 ft., at which point the lode was cut, showing a width of 3 ft. of good-grade ore. At the Mount Alfred Mine three levels are being driven south on the lode. The lowest of these is situated 150 ft. below the crest of the ridge through which the lode runs, and is connected by tramway with the ore-dressing plant. Tho lode in the north end of the workings is from 6 ft. to 10 ft. in width, but going south it branches into small veins varying in width from a few inches up to 2 ft. Two of these veins in the east wall are being driven upon at No. 2 level. Plant installed during the year comprises ten head of stamps and magnetic separator at the Glenorchy mill; stone-breaker, screens, jigs, and Wilfley tables at Mount Alfred. Paulin and Tripp's Black, Peak and Temple, Peak Claims, and Birley and Party's Claim on Mount Larkins, which are situated between 5,000 ft. and 6,000 ft. above sea-level, were worked during the summer season for highly payable results. A number of small parties of two or three miners, working their own claims, are making good wages. Some of these dress their scheelite by hand to bring it up to the required standard; others dispose of the ore to the Glenorchy Scheelite Company. Macrae's. Golden, Point Mine was worked by D. Peddie and party up to August, when it was taken over by the Golden Point Cold and Scheelite Mining Company. Operations were confined to shallow surface levels. Scheelite was the principal product, the output amounting to .'l3 tons 13 cwt. Gold valued at £165 was also obtained. The company paid £2,450 in dividends as the result of five months' operations. Deep Dell Consolidated Scheelite, and Gold Mining Company. —The work of extending the adit level was suspended during the year, and operations were confined to mining scheelite from a small lode in the north-east section of the mine. Eraser and Gaytan. —This party discovered a lode carrying high-grade scheelite close to the main road from Dunback to Macrae's, and about two miles from the latter township. The work done, which comprises surface trenching and sinking a winze to a depth of 20 ft. on the lode, has given highly payable results. Marebum Gold and Scheelite Company (Uighlay). —One mile of incline tramway was laid down to connect the battery with Block 18, where a large lode carrying gold and scheelite is being mined by opencast method. New Zealand Gold and Tungsten Mining Company (Uighlay). —This company was formed during the year for the purpose of reopening and working the gold and tungsten mine formerly owned by Donaldson Bros. No. 3 level has been repaired and extended to open up a small block on the reef. Stoneburn Mining Company. —This company's operations have not proved successful. The ore mined during the year was low-grade. Golden Bar Gold-mining Company (Stoneburn). —This company has gone into liquidation. The mine and battery were sold to W. E. Griffin, of Macrae's. No mining was done during the year. A number of small parties of miners are profitably employed working the outcrops of scheelite lodes which occur within an area extending from Stoneburn in the south to Highlay in the north, having a width of about three miles by a length of eighteen miles. THE REEFS. H. S. Molineaux and A. C. Buekland are working the Barewood lode for scheelite. Rich pockets of the mineral are found in veins in the footwall. A lode carrying good scheelite was found about one mile south-west of the Barewood line of reef by Mr. A. Ewart. An option was taken over the find by a Dunedin syndicate, and development has commenced. The output of scheelite for the year from this part of the district amounted to a little over 6 tons. WAIPORI. Waipori Prospecting Company. —About 1,000 ft. of driving and crosscutting was done on the O.P.Q. lode without meeting with any blocks of payable quartz. Operations have been suspended. Cox's Reef. —A. Rodgers and party crushed 14 tons of quartz from the lode for a return of 12 oz. 12 dwt. gold. The reef is very small, and the return did not pay the cost of mining and treatment. Mr. T. Bertenshaw discovered a small scheelite vein in his alluvial claim at Lammerlaw Creek. About tons of scheelite were obtained from shallow surface workings. BALD HILL FLAT. R. Symes and party are carrying on mining operations on White's and the Excelsior reef's. No discovery of importance has been made during the year.