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No. 64 of 1915 : "An Act to amend the Friendly Societies Act, 1909." No. 65 of 1915 : "An Act to extend the Powers of Local Authorities in respect of the Use of Power obtained from the Lake Coleridge Water-power Works." No. 66 of 1915 : " An Act to further amend the War Regulations Act, 1914." No. 67 of 1915 : " An Act to prohibit the Employment of Alien Enemies as Teachers in Public Educational Institutions." No. 68 of 1915 : " An Act to provide for the Exchange, Sale, Reservation, and other Disposition of certain Reserves, Crown Lands, Endowments, and other Lands, to validate certain Transactions, to confer Powers on certain Public Bodies, and to make Provision for certain other Matters." No. 69 of 1915 : "An Act to establish a Board of Trade and to make Provision for the Regulation of Trade." No. 70 of 1915 : "An Act to amend the Post and Telegraph Act, 1908." No. 71 of 1915 : "An Act to amend the Law Practitioners Act, 1908." No. 72 of 1915 : "An Act to amend the Public Health Act, 1908." No. 73 of 1915 : " An Act to amend the Education Act, 1914." No. 74 of 1915 : " An Act to amend the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1909." No. 75 of 1915 : " An Act to amend the Law relating to Crown and other Lands." No. 76 of 1915 : " An Act to amend the Counties Act, 1908." No. 77 of 1915 : "An Act to amend the New Zealand University Act, 1908." No. 78 of 1915 : "An Act to amend the Municipal Corporations Act, 1908." No. 79 of 1915 : " An Act to amend the Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914." No. 80 of 1915 : " An Act to amend the Rating Act, 1908." No. 81 of 1915 : "An Act to amend the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908." No. 82 of 1915 : " An Act to amend the Legislature Act, 1908." No. 83 of 1915 : " An Act to amend the Defence Act, 1909." No. 84 of 1915 : "An Act to amend the Shops and Offices Act, 1908." No. 85 of 1915: "An Act to appropriate and apply certain Sums of Money out of the Consolidated Fund, the Public Works Fund, and other Accounts to the Services of the Year ending the Thirty-first Day of March, Nineteen hundred and sixteen, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Present Session." Local Acts. No. 1 of 1915 : " An Act to validate an Agreement made between the Mayor, Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Tauranga and the Tauran'ga Harbour Board for the Acquisition of the Wharves at Tauranga by the Tauranga Harbour Board." No. 2 of 1915 : "An Act to amend the Whakatane Harbour Act, 1912, and to enable the WJiakatane Harbour Board to acquire Lands to facilitate Reclamation, et cetera, and to borrow Moneys for acquiring Lands and for Reclamation, and for providing for certain other Matters affecting the Whakatane Harbour Board." No. 3 of 1915 : " An Act to amend the Wellington City Empowering Act, 1908, and to confer on the Wellington City Corporation Power to raise Additional Loan-moneys for Drainage in Outlying Portions of the City." No. 4 of 1915 : " An Act to empower the Corporation of the City of Auckland to undertake the Purchase and Sale of Fish and to assist and control the Sale and Disposal of Fish in and for the City of Auckland, and to empower the said Corporation to grant certain Leases and to deal with Domains, Parks, and Recreation Reserves."