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No. 12. New Zealand, No. 710. My Lord, — Downing Street, 15th December, 1915. With reference to Your Excellency's despatch, No. 192, of the 27th September, I have the honour to transmit to you, for the consideration of your Ministers, a copy of a letter from the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries inquiring whether the New Zealand Government will accept a certificate of examination of nursery stock in the form accepted by the United States Government. I have, &c., A. BONAR LAW. Governor His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, G.C.M.G., M.V.0., &c.

A.-l, 1917 No. 6.

Enclosure. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, Whitehall Place, London S.W., Sir, — 10th December, 1915. I am directed by the President of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to ask you to express to Mr. Secretary Bonar Law his thanks for your letter of the 18th ultimo forwarding copies of the revised regulations covering the importation of fruit and plants into New Zealand. It is observed that under Regulation 8 (a) a certificate is required from the grower, and that, in addition, a certificate signed by an officer of the Board must be inscribed thereon to the effect that the nursery in which the plants were grown has been officially inspected and found to be free from disease. The Board have made arrangements for the examination of nurseries and for the issue of certificates of freedom from disease in order co meet the requirements of the Government of the United States of America. A copy of the certificate which is issued and accepted by the American Government is enclosed herewith; and in view of the desirability at the present time of avoiding as far as possible the multiplication of printed forms, Lord Selborne will be much obliged if the Secretary of State for the Colonies will be so good as to inquire of the Dominion Government whether they will be disposed to accept a certificate in this form if attached to the grower's certificate in lieu of that prescribed in the regulation in question. I am, &c., The Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office, S.W. Sydney Olivier, Secretary.

Board op Agriculture and Fisheries. Destructive Insects and Pests Act, 1877 and 1907. Original Certificate of Examination of Nursery Stock. To whom it may concern : This is to certify that the nursery stock included in this shipment, as per invoice attached, was thoroughly inspected under my direction by , an Inspector of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, on the day of , 191 ; the stock was grown by at , England, and was found or believed by the Inspector to be free from injurious plant diseases and dangerous insect pests. , Head of Horticulture Branch of Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. No liability attaches to the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries or to any of their Inspectors in respect of this certificate.

No. 13. New Zealand, No. 11. My Lord, — Downing Street, 6th January, 1916. I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, for the information of your Ministers, copies of the London Gazette of the 31st December, 1915, which contains (p. 13025) a notice issued from the War Office relative to the agreement concluded between His Majesty's Government and the French Government with respect to military tribunals. I have, &c, A. BONAR LAW. Governor His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, G.C.M.G., M.V.0., &c.