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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 2nd October, 1917. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return showing—(l) The number of sheep and oattle killed at freezing-works in (a) South Island and (b) North Island from the Ist August, 1916, to the 31st July, 1917 ; (2) the quantity of cheese and butter manufactured for export in (a) South Island and (b) North Island from the Ist August, 1916, to the 31st July, 1917 ; (3) the amount of meat shipped from (a) South Island and (6) North Island from the Ist August, 1916, to the 31st July, 1917 ; (4) the quantity of butter and cheese shipped from (a) South Island and (b) North Mand from the Ist August, 1916, to the 31st July, 1917 ; and (5) the shipping-space allotted in each Island in respect to (a) meat and (6) dairy-produce from the 31st July, 1917, to date." —(Mr. Talbot.)

Return. (1.) The number of sheep and cattle killed at freezing-works from the Ist August, 1916, to the 31st July, 1917 :— South Island ... ... ... ... 2,263,497 60 lb. carcases. North Island ... ... ... ... 4,079,443 (2.) Quantity of cheese and butter manufactured for export from the Ist August, 1916, to the 31st July, 1917 :— Boxes of Crates of Butter. Cheese. South Island ... ... ... ... 49,094 132,518 North Island ... ... ... ... 906,944 564,233 (3.) Amount of meat shipped from the Ist August, 1916, to the 31st July, 1917 : — South Island ... ... ... ... 1,584,936 60 lb. carcases. North Island ... ... .-.. ... 3,237,288 (4.) Quantity of butter and cheese shipped from the Ist August, 1916, to the 31st July, 1917 : — Boxes of Crates of Butter. Cheese. South Island ... 44,514 115,384 North Island ... ... ... ... 735,546 477,404 (5.) The shipping-space allotted in each Island from the 31st July, 1917, to date : — Meat. South Island ... .. ... ... 72,000 60 lb. carcases. North Island 656,000 Boxes of Orates of Dairy-produce. Butter. Cheese. South Island ... ... ... ... 1,200 18,765 North Island 69,400 56,035

Apprommait Cost ol Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (650 copies), £1.

By Authority : Mabcus P. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington. — l9l7.

Price 3d.]