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Reg. No. M *' Names of Unions. JNO. Numbor of Members. INDUSTRIAL ONIONS OF EMPLOYERS— continued. Otago and Southland Industrial District —continued. 337 Dunedin Builders and Contractors 822 Dunedin Clothing-manufacturers .016 Dunedin Flour, Oatmeal, and Pearl-barley Millers .004 Dunedin Furniture and Furnishing Trade 189 Dunedin Master Bakers 313 Dunedin Master Tailors 867 Dunedin Plumbers 789 Dunedin Private Hotel and Restaurant Employers .053 Gore and District Coachbuilders and Blacksmiths 454 I Invercargill Coal-merchants 875 ' Invercargill Plumbers 560 Invercargill and Suburban Master Butchers 307 Oamaru Master Tailors 318 Otago and Southland Gold-mining 241 Otago and Southland Master Saddlers'Society 936 Otago and Southland Newspaper Proprietors 446 Otago and Southland Sheepowners .033 Otago Coachbuilders, Blacksmiths, and Farriers ... 311 Otago Drapers and Clothiers 302 Otago Grocers ... 325 Otago Master Printers, Lithographers, and Bookbinders 343 Otago Painters... . 406 Southland Builders and Contractors ... 778 Southland Coachbuilders and Blacksmiths 664 Southland Grocers 332 Southland Master Tailors ... 479 Southland Sawmillers 137 Onion Steamship Company of New Zealand (Limited) 88 Westport Coal Company (Limited) 337 822 .016 .004 189 313 867 789 .053 454 875 560 307 318 241 936 446 033 311 302 325 343 406 778 664 332 479 137 88 73 25 10 12 33 14 29 11 18 21 11 9 6 22 14 6 176 39 39 75 35 12 16 29 38 11 30 1 1 Totals ... ... ... Number of Unions, 31 884 Ta.ranaki Industrial District — .010 New Plymouth Furnishing Trade 605 Taranaki Dairying and Farming 516 Taranaki Licensed Victuallers 204 Taranaki Master Builders ... , ... 861 Taranaki Master Printers, Lithographers, and Bookbinders ... 447, Taranaki Master Tailors ... .010 605 516 204 861 447 16 41 16 8 12 32 Totals ... ... ... Number of Onions, 6 125 Marlborough. Industrial District— 443 | Marlborough Sheepowners... 44 Totals ... ... ... Number of Unions, 1 44 Nelson Industrial District — 856 , Nelson Master Printers, Lithographers, and Bookbinders 10 i Totals ... ... ... Number of Onions, 1 10 Westland Industrial, District — 872 i Greymouth Master Butchers 177 ' Progress Mines of New Zealand (Limited) 721 Westland Licensed Victuallers 364 Westland Sawmilling 8 1 21 14 Totals ... ... ... Number of Onions, 4 44 Grand totals ... Industrial Onions of Employers, 141 5,554