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E.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trademarks, recorded for the Years 1890, 1900, and 1910 to 1916 (inclusive).

F.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, etc.

G. —Number of Applications for Patents in New Zealand from Persons residing there and in other Countries in each of the Years 1914, 1915, and 1916.


Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 1900 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 616 1,009 1,831 1,740 1,737 1,775 1,574 1,299 1,261 5 15 46 21 44 65 55 89 113 I I 160 348 818 861 779 787 687 565 666 781 1,372 2,695 2,622 2,500 2,627 2,316 1,953 2,040

>H Number of Applications with which Complete Specifications lodged. Number of Applications with which Provisional Specifications lodged. Nui Applic which Specific sequen imber of ications for :i Complete cations subntly lodged. Numbe: ications i lap: rel c of Applitbandoncd, sed, or lused. Num Patent Total , . Number iber of . s scaled. . ,. „ Applications. 19.1.0 1911 1912 191.3 1914 1915 1916 91C 911 9iS 9i: : 914 91f 911 N.Z. Foreign. 0 250 443 1 245 434 2 258 507 8 217 467 4 177 426 5 140 286 6 178 297 N.Z. Foreign. 990 148 935 126 877 95 965 126 868 103 787 86 699 87 N.Z. 254 258 275 249 228 322 Foreign. 75 59 35 58 45 46 N.Z. 925 849 817 910 782 Foreign. 125 86 78 94 96 N.Z. 306 323 334 272 273 Foreign. 475 482 508 499 423 1,831 1,740 1,737 1,775 1,574 1,299 1,261 * * r 1'hese figun is are nece: isarily inci impletc, as the tim for procee. ing furi ;her with the applic: .tions hai not yet expirei 1.

! , 1914. 1915. 1916. 1914. 1915. 1916. I New Zealand Argentina .. ... Belgium Brazil Canada China Cuba Denmark Egypt France Germany Great Britain Holland Italy 1,045 I 3 927 882 * New South Wales NorwayQueensland Russia South Australia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tasmania Transvaal United States Victoria Western Australia Zululand 72 13 1 15 1 8 60 2 9 63 2 8 i I 12 9 1 1 6 ii 13 1 2 2 5 2 I 4 13 150 7 I 3 6 1 1 98 110 2 2 3 3 106 111 7 1 8 2 60 100 8 96 90 8 Note. —A few applicatii cants giving two addresses ; i ons were ] the figure: received fi i will thoi rom joint i reforo total ipplicants resident in different more than the actual number 6 countrie of applica is, also fn itions reoi im applilived.