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TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1916—continued.


Number of Members. Sickness experienced. Name of Society and Branch. Admitted by s a"§ Clear■2 '3 g ance o3 Ph 3 and ~B -C Ha Amalga3 | $ mation. Total. Death. Clea1 '- Arrears, ance. &c. Left by Total. At Beginning of Year. At End of Year. Sick during Year. Total. First Six Months. Deaths of Registered Second After Twelve Wives Six Months. Months. Ancient Order op Foresters — contd. South Canterbury District United Otago „ Courts separately registered 19 162 20 25 19 187 20 15 48 19 29 1 17 154 47 32 231 67 746 3.077 1,189 733 3,033 1,142 99 427 217 Weeks. 1,061 4,968 3.590 Weeks. 507 2,088 1,169 Weeks. 79 405 263 Weeks. 475 2,475 2,158 6 8 5 Total of Order 472 45 517 219 56 7321,007 16,153 15,663 2,508 29,187 13,543 2,868 12,776 60 Ancient Order of Shepherds 53 50 L6 254 120 36 98 United Ancient Order of Druids — Grand Lodge of North Island of NewZealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland 101 31 98 146 18 45 247 49 143 132 32 43 147 28 63 688 124 143 967 184 249 10,969 10,249 1,676 11,064 7,720 1,101 2,243 1,600 1,551 27 15 8 2,951 3,126 2,816 3,020 483 436 4,441 4,051 2,289 2,163 552 337 Total of Order 230 209 439 207 238 955 1,400 17,046 16,085 2,595 19,556 12,172 1,990 5,394 50 Independent Order of Rechabites — New Zealand District New Zealand Central District 16 126 17 56 33 182 13 34 11 33 52 181 76 248 890 3,165 847 3,099 129 417 1.330 3,936 565 2,032 231 451 534 1,453 2 4 Total of Order 142 73 215 47 44 233 324 4,055 3,946 546 5,266 2,597 682 1,987 Sons and Daughters of Temperance — National Division of New Zealand .. Divisions separately registered 10 8 3 13 8 9 5 2 11 In 22 15 363 277 354 270 61 48 927 844 148 161 145 312 634 371 1 Total of Order 18 21 u 21 37 624 109 1,771 309 457 1,005 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society — New Zealand District 161 41 202 28 4li 255 329 3,429 3,302 377 4,715 2,151 671 1,893 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia — Grand Council of New Zealand 15 24 IM 5 51 69 916 871 150 1,655 626 120 ill Hi Uther Societies 14 3 : 17 594 578 Ill 1,872 1,035 193 644 42,538 1 232 Grand total 2,037 541 2,578 977 566 ! 3,702 I 5,245 I 73,027 70,360 10,947 116,468 57,605 16,325 I ' I ' ] '