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HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. Genehal Statement of Accounts for the Yeab ended 31st December, 1916. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balanoe in hand and in bank at. beginning Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 2,531 12 2 of year .. . . .. . . 13 4 6 Incidental expenses— From Government — Proportion of office salaries .. .. 78 0 0 For sites, buildings, furniture, &o. (general Proportion of office expenses .. .. 33 1 7 purposes) . . . . . . 150 0 0 Material for classes other than classes recogCapitation— nizod under manual regulations .. 10 9 For free places .. .. . . 2,888 5 0 Printing, stationery, and advertising in For recognized classes for manual, in- connection with school .. .. 62 12 9 struction .. . . . . . . 135 17 6 Cleaning and sanitary service in conneeEndowments — tion with school-buildings . . . . 71 5 2 Current income from reserves invested in I ieating, lighting, and. water - supply in Board . . . . . . . . 40 16 0 connection with school-buildings .. 28 10 7 Revenue from secondary - education re- Care of school-grounds .. . . 58 17 7 sorves (administered by Land Boards) 215 5 4 Games and physical exercises (exolud'ng School fees .. .. .. .. 187 15 8 buildings and permanent apparatus). . 29 2 8 Exchange cheques .. .. .. 12 12 6 Maintenance (including material) of classes for manual instruction . . . . 39 8 4 Buildings, &o,— New buildings or additions (from Government grants, £90 ; from current revenue, £48) . . . . . . .. 1 38 0 0 Maintenance and repairs to buildings and and grounds (from ourrent revenue) .. 107 ll 8 Furniture and apparatus (from Government grants, £60 ; from current revenue, £19 16s. (id.) .. .. .. 79 16 6 Miscellaneous — Rates, insurance, itc. (from current revenue) .. . . 16 9 Library .. .. . . . . 6 2 9 Auckland Education Board—Share cleaning .. .. .. 25 0 0 Share lighting .. . . .. 13 12 1.1 Balance duo to Auckland Education Board at 31/12/15 (teachers'classes).. .. 81 14 10 Balanoe due to teachers, 31/12/15 . . 24 6 2 Exchange cheques, £12 12s. (id.; Library Account, to be refunded, £10 . . .. 22 12 6 Balance at end of year . . . . . . 210 1 5 £3,643 16 6 £3,643 16 6 Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities at 31st December, 1916. Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Balance in bank .. .. .. 210 I. 5 Teaching staff .. .. .. .. 14 17 7 Library Fund (amount due) . . .. 10 0 0 Auckland Education Board .. . . 95 4 7 Capitation due . . .. .. .. 588 6 8 Fees due .. .. .. 10 0 0 £818 8 1 £110 2 2 Geo. Edgecumbe, Chairman. R. English, Secretary.

THAMES HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1916. Receipt*. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance in hand and in bank at beginning Teachers' salaries and allowances . . 1,588 10 0 of year . . .. . . . . 697 8 7 Incidental expenses— From Government — Proportion of office salaries .. .. 55 5 0 For sites, buildings, furniture, &o. (general Proportion of office expenses .. .. 15 17 6 purposes) . . . . .. .. 500 0 0 Legal expenses (oxcluding those on acCapitation— count of endowments) .. . . 28 16 6 For free places . . .. . . 2,440 0 0 Material for classes other than classes For recognized classes for manual in- recognized under manual regulations. . 59 13 4 struction .. .. .. 58 4 0 Printing, stationery, and advertising in Endowments — connection with school .. .. 15 15 0 Current income from reserves vested in Cleaning and sanitary service in connecBoard .. .. .. .. 868 2 8 tion with school buildings .. .. 103 6 6 Revenue from secondary - education re- Heating, lighting, and water-supply in serves .. .. .. .. 117 010 connection with school buildings .. 156 3 1 School fees .. .. .. .. 99 12 0 Prizes .. .. .. .. 5 19 0 Royalty on metal . . .. . . 15 I 0 Maintenance (including material) of classes Rents . . . . .. .. 7 1.7 0 for manual instruction .. .. 48 0 7 Refund, school-openina expenses . . 5 2 6 Buildings, &c. (from current revenue) — Special loan .. .. .. .. 2,501 17 6 Purchase of sites .. .. .. 2,425 0 0 Auckland Education Reserve .. .. 59 5 4 New buildings or additions and fence .. 286 9 0 Goldfields revenue .. .. .. 47 12 I Maintenance and repairs to buildings and grounds .. .. .. .. 166 1 3 Furniture and apparatus .. .. 14 16 0 Miscellaneous (rates, insurance, Sc.) .. 11 14 6 Endowments — Proportion of office salaries .. .. 51 0 0 Travelling-expenses of Board .. .. 9 10 Miscellaneous (surveys, Sc.) . . .. 29 10 2, Interest on unpaid purchase-moneys .. 114 1 10 Interest on loans .. .. .. 234 17 10 Loan repayments . . . . .. 360 II 11 Conveyanco of scholars . . . . 20 13 2 Miscellaneous.. .. " .. .. 9 17 11 Mortgage investment .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Balance at ond of year . . .. .. 106 2 5 £7,417 3 6 £7,417 3 6