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Appendix B.

Arithmetic. —In many schools this subject is well and logically taught, and the results achieved are most encouraging. To those schools where progress is not satisfactory the following remarks apply: The pupils in the preparatory department have not a clear and accurate knowledge of number up to the limit, professed, and have not learnt to dissociate the abstract from the concrete : i.e., they can add or subtract with the aid of counters, but are unable to perform simple operations when these aids are removed. Here, as elsewhere, teaching, where possible, should bo practical and make large use of the concrete; but when once the relationship between numbers has been established and the principles underlying operations understood pupils should be trained to memorize and apply the discoveries made. We referred to this matter last year, and are more than ever convinced that the disappointing results too often met with in all the lower classes spring mainly from lack of ready and accurate knowledge of tables. In Standard I, and to a lesser extent in Standard II, mental arithmetic is not always satisfactory, pointing to lack of systematic and continuous effort. Most of the work in these two standards should be mental in character. The appearance made in the upper standards showed a slight improvement, though pupils in Standard V are still unable to deal effectively with much of the prescribed syllabus. We are inclined to think that some of the programmes selected for this class are too ambitious in scope and aim, with the result that thoroughness in the understanding and application of principles to some extent suffers. The work of the two upper standards is very similar in character, becoming progressingly difficult towards the close of the higher course, and teachers sometimes fail to grasp that the more advanced work in the programmes common to both classes should be excluded from the schemes of Standard V. In few schools do we find any attempt to apply short methods, and yet from both utility and educative standpoints these are the methods which promise to secure the most hopeful results during school life and after. History and Geography. —We have nothing further to add to what has already been said in former reports on these subjects. In some schools they are dealt with in a highly gratifying and successful way, and pupils show a sound appreciation, of the liberal programmes presented. In others the level reached, though by no means high, in view of conditions of teaching and circumstances generally may be regarded as satisfactory. In addition to the schools included in these groups there are still a considerable number left where results are disappointing, and where the use of suitable text-books would be of considerable service. We have always been of opinion that the teaching in these subjects gains considerably by the judicious use of appropriate books. The text-book alone will not be sufficient; no amount of "learning" on the part of the pupil will compensate for lack of oral instruction, which must always be a strong feature in the selected programme; but the assistance which the text-book can be made to render, under judicious guidance, is too valuable to be ignored. We should like to see the civics programme extended and made a stronger feature in many cases, in view of the importance of the considerations with which the subject deals and the far-reaching effects attending its successful development. Drawing. —In many schools some very fine work is being done, and the requirements of the syllabus are being fully met. In many, however, drawing falls far short of requirements both in scope and in quality. It should be noted that syllabus-demands cover the following: (1) Free drawing, including drawing from nature and drawing from fashioned objects; (2) instrumental drawing; (3) design; (4) colour work. Practically all schools take nature drawing, and, as a rule, the work is very creditable. Most schools also take object-drawing, but, owing partly to failure to teach the principles in a methodical way and partly to the choice of unsuitable objects, the treatment in far too many cases is by no means satisfactory. Good results cannot be expected unless there is some definite teaching of the foreshortening, first of circles in different positions, and then of straight-line objects, such as boxes, cubes, open doors, &o. In the schools where brushwork is taken as a handwork subject, colour work is as a rule well done, and some highly artistic work is produced. Many, however, do not take it up seriously, and in these the results are poor. Instrumental drawing, too, does not receive the attention, it deserves. In every class from SI upwards there should be regular practice in the use of instruments, starting in the lower classes with the ruler and set-square and in the senior division including compass and protractor. In schools where woodwork is taken the drawing done in connection with it is usually good. In schools where woodwork cannot be taken the instrumental drawing of S5 and S6 ought to be connected with cardboard-modelling. Design is probably the least satisfactory branch of drawing. Though occasionally we find a school where really excellent work obtains, in the great majority either practically no attempt is made to teach it or the results are poor. The poor work is usually due to failure to teach the elementary principles, repetition, alternation, symmetry, radiation, &c, and failure to connect the work with some useful purpose in the pupils' lives. Blackboard drawing is taken by nearly all schools in classes P, SI, and S2. In the best infant departments some very fine work is shown, chiefly in nature and object drawing and in imaginative drawing. The value of blackboard drawing in classes above S2 is not appreciated. If a few minutes during each lesson —or, better, about five minutes every day-—were devoted to freeline practice on the blackboard, if would be found to have an excellent effect in training the muscles to obey the wili and in thus giving freedom with the pencil and brush. Straight lines, circles, spirals, trefoils, and leaf-forms will be found useful for this purpose. The work should be done almost at arm's length and at a fair speed, and the lines should be gone over several times, the aim being to develop facility of movement. The drawing syllabus seems to involve a considerable amount of work, but by directly correlating it with other subjects, or one branch of drawing with another, much can be done to lessen the amount of time actually devoted to it. For instance, most of the nature drawing can be done in connection with nature-study; the apparatus set; up for different experiments in the science course, the thermometer, barometer, and rain-gauge, will provide useful examples for object-drawing; whilst instrumental drawing can be linked with paper, carton, or cardboard work. Colour work can be done in various ways: