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Appendix A. i



£ s. d. Net balance at 1st January, 1916, Cr .. .. .. .. 6 10 4 £ s. d. Bank balance at 31st July, 1916, Cr. .. .. .. .. 35 0 11 Less unpresented cheques .. .. - .. .. 613 1 3 578 0 4 On hand (in transit) .. .. .. .. 35 0 0 Total at 31st July, 1916, Dr. .. .. .. .. .. £543 0 4 George Perry, Chairman. Education Office, Hokitika. 8th August. 1916. Chas. J. Kirk, Secretary.

17 18 19 20 Teachers' house allowances Buildings —.Maintenance, rebuilding, rent — (a.) Maintenance and small additions .. | (6.) Ordinary rebuilding .. .. j Rents of buildings for manual and technical I instruction — Technical instruction .. .. Public schools —New buildings, additions, furniture, apparatus, sites New buildings, apparatus, &e., for manual and technical classes —Manual instruction Sites- sales Totals 495 19 3 755 11 1 8 15 0 134 1 11 749 0 9 204 11 8| 679 0 0 130 0 0 6,974 12 3 24 2 6 93 18 9 7 199 3 4 995 12 7 146 5 6 19 1 0 300 18 0 3 0 0 ',618 1 8 7 13 0 24 2 6 304 19 11 3 0 0 384 9 5 304 19 11 l 3 0 0 f 24 2 6 384 9 5 200 17 1] 3 6 8: 243 3 3 19 1 0 1 743 18 3 6 13 4 150 0 197 2 9 177 13 21 22 755 11 ~- 749 0 9 6,974 12 3 93 18 9 7,618 1 8 384 9 5 384 9 5 200 17 11 743 18 3 197 2 9 111 13 ( _A_ J_