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[Appendix A.

WANGANUI. General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Seven Months ending the 31st July, 1916.


Note. —See page xxx :or the statement ending 31st December, 1916. The Auditor's certificate does not cover columns (11) and (12). The figures in those columns have been added to the statement by the Education Deriirtmj-ni from returns suppled by Education Boards. No. Name of Account. As at is Balances. (2) As at 1st January. .st Jau uiiary. Deficits. (3) Cast Rf From Government. (*) Cash Transactions during Year. Receipts. From other Sources. (5) J Expenditure. (6) Debit. (7) Transfers. Balances. (9) Deficits. (10) As at 31st July. .\ssets. (11) Credit Liabilities. (11 (8) (12) General Account. £ s. d.j £ s. d. 1 Receipts from 5s. capitation and other sources mentioned in section 33, subsecLj tion (2), of the Education Act, 1914, expended on — (a.) Office staff (including Secretary, &c), ~| salaries and clerical assistance > 2,147 19 (b.) Office contingencies .. • • J (c.) Payment to Harbour Board (paid this Board in error) £ s. d. 2,199 19 2 678 6 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 91 13 5- { 535 2 0 1,583 0 10 678 6 8 } 2,320 11 6 I ! i 38 8 2 251 11 7 I ! 4,266 14 4 Special Accounts. 2 Salaries of primary-school teachers .. .. 1,148 13 10: 3 Salaries of relieving teachers .. .. .. 862 10 0 4 School and class libraries —Government .. 168 9 1 capitation grant 5 Conveyance and board of school-children . . .. 67 1 1 9 6 Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 166 5 0 9 Training classes for teachers . . .. .. 380 6 7 Scholarships — 10 . Board's .. .. .. .. .. 257 1 1 11 National . . .. .. .. .. 87 15 6 12 Special . . . . .. .. .. 41 5 0 District High Schools — 13 Salaries of staffs of secondary departments .. 19 9 6 14 General purposes .. .. .. 155 18 0 15 Manual instruction —Receipts from capitation, contributions, subsidies, sales, &c., expended on — (a.) Direction and administration .. ~) (6.) Salaries of instructors .. I „ „„, .. „ (c.) Equipment, for elementary handwork j ' (d.) Material.. .. .. .. J 44,646 8 9 219 19 11 179 4 9 134 12 0 2,745 5 0 243 15 11 536 6 8 219 7 8 1,484 2 0 1,976 0 2 2 7 6 17 4 6 39,233 8 1 180 2 1 208 18 0 3,587 13 9 263 15 4 203 2 9 287 12 4 10 15 8 •' 76 2 10 5 11 11 822 12 2 141 17 9 144 10 0 658 19 3 400 6 0, 216 10 10 35 19 3 156 0 2 195 16 10 41 5 0 2 10 0 2,678 15 2 1,174 14 5 5,434 13 5 20 15 0 10 15 8 6 14 0 328 13 0 75 17 3 143 17 6 48 19 2 206 15 0 14 6 9 32 19 6 •• I 7 0 0; 1,306 19 6 53 1 3 157 13 0 109 16 9 i 26 0 3341 7 0 1,718 1 6 [ 556 16 ll! }