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year. In comparing the roll numbers of the various standard classes it appears that the falling-off in the annual increase is most marked in the preparatory classes, Si, S5, and S6; in the two latter classes there is actually a decrease in the roll number as compared with 1915. The increase in the roll number is, as usual, a little greater in the North Island (including Marlborough) than in the South Island, the percentage increases being 1-8 and 1-2 respectively. The table below shows the mean average roll number for every fifth year from 1878 to 1903, and for each of the last eleven years; the table gives also the total average attendance for each year, the average attendance as a percentage of the roll (including secondary departments of district high schools), and the number of teachers employed in the public schools.

Schools, Attendance, and Teachers.

An estimate of the actual roll number of all children receiving primary education can be obtained by taking into account children in attendance at public schools (exclusive of secondary departments of district high schools), Native schools, registered private primary schools, and the lower departments of secondary schools. The figures will then be— Average Weekly Roll Number. Public schools (less secondary departments of district 1915. 1916. high schools) ..._' ... ... ... 178,827 181,670 Native-village ami Native mission sohools ... ... 5,373 5,324 Chatham Island schools (included in public schools in 1916) 88 Registered private primary schools ... ... ... 16,281 17,260 Lower departments of secondary schools ... ... 417* 466* Special schools ... ... ... ... 731 579 Total average weekly roll of primary scholars... 201,717 205,299 * Number on roll at ond of year. Attendance. (E.-2, Tables 81, 82, and 83.) The following figures show the average attendance at public schools in the Dominion during the years 1915 and 1916 : — Including Seeoudary Excluding Secondary Departments of Departments of District High School*. District High Schools. Year 1916 ... ... ... ... ... 163,156 160,980 Year 1915 ... ... ... ... ... 163,092 160,895 Increase in 1916 ... .64 85 Increase per cent. ... ... 0 - 04 0"05

Year. Number of Schools. Meau of Average Wcokly Koll. Number of Average Average Attendance Attendance, as Percent- Adults. Whole Year. age of Weekly Koll. I M. F. Total. 1'eachers, Pupi irs. M. F. Total ~ 1878 1183 .. 1888 . . 1893 1898 1903 1906 1907 1908 .. 1909 1910 1911 1912 .. 1913 1914 .. 1915 1916.. 748 97.1 1,158 1,375 1,655 1,786 1,921 1,963 .1,998 2,057 2,096 2,166 2,214 2,255 2,301 2,338 2,355 90,859 113,636 125,692 133,782 134,748 140,320 141.946 145,974 151,142 154,756 159,299 164.492 .169,530 175,570 181,229 184,056 *48,773 .. 707 454 1,161 69,838 76-9 905 I 656 1,56] +90,108 79-3 1,039 887 .1,926 1109,321 79'8 1.107; 1,096 2,203 111,636 83-4 1,234 ; 1,370 2,604 113,047 83-0 1,270 1,726 2,996 121,958 86-9 1,314 i 1,887 3,201 120,226 84-6 .1,332 1,955 3,287 127,160 87-1 1,331 : 2,021 3,352 132,773 87'8 1,406 2,208 \ 3,614 135,738 87-7 1.456 : 2,252 ! 3,708 142,186 89-3 1,493:2,35.1 3,844 146,282 88'9 1,555 i 2,550 4,105 151,242 89-2 1,603 2,659 4,262 158,134 90-1 1,628 2,820 4,448 163,092 90-0 1,591 3,077 4,668 163,156 88-6 1,501 3,209 4,710 76-9 79-;i 79-8 83-4 83-9 86-9 84-6 87-1 87-8 87-7 89-3 88-9 89-2 90-1 90-0 88-6 707 454 905 ! 656 I .039 887 1.107 j 1,096 1,234 ; 1,370 1,270 : 1,726 1,314 ; 1,887 1,332 1,955 1,331 2,021 1,406 2,208 1.456 : 2,252 1,493 : 2,351 1,555 i 2,550 1,603 2,659 1,628 2,820 1,591 3,077 1,501 3,209 1,161 1,561 1,926 2,203 2,604 2,996 3,201 3,287 3,352 3,014 3,708 3,844 4,105 4,262 4,448 4,668 4,710 118 159 21.9 238 229 147 153 172 161 166 174 179 162 142 139 141 137 332 571 694 825 ; 83i 552 518 478 476 530 526 528 476 474 470 485 519 450 730 . 913 1.063 1.060 098 671 650 637 696 §700 §707 §638 §616 §609 §626 §656 * Average of three quartei •s. + St ;rict average •obation ers. 1. I Working average. 8 Exclusive of male and f ig average. § Exclusive of mi lie and fi pi