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13. Every person who, after the thirtieth day of April in every year, has in his following or keep any dog wearing a label issued in any previous year, which dog has not been registered for the then current year, is liable to a fine not exceeding three pounds. 14. Every person who has in bis following or keep any dog wearing a label issued in respect to another liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds. 15. This Ordinance shall come into operation on the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen. • Passed by the Island Council of Niue, this fourteenth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen. Joseph P. McMahon-Box, Clerk of the Island Council of Niue. Assented to on behalf of the Governor, this fourteenth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen. H. Cornwall [l.s.J Resident Commissioner of Nine.

No. 6.—The Niue Aid to Revenue Ordinance, 1916. An Ordinance to provide for the Collection of Additional Revenue and the Appropriation of the same. Be it enacted by the Island Council of Niue in Council assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Niue Aid to Revenue Ordinance, 1916. 2. Every male Native who is over the age of eighteen years shall pay to the Government an annual contribution amounting to ten shillings. 3. Such contribution shall become payable at the Covernment Office, Alofi, on the first day of July in each year. 4. In the case of every person who does not pay such contribution within a period of thirty days from the date when such contribution becomes payable there shall be paid, by way of penalty, a sum of five shillings over and above the amount of such contribution. 5. In the case of every person liable under this Ordinance who makes default in the payment of any contribution, such contribution and penalty shall be recoverable in the High Court by the Treasurer of Niue, on behalf of the Crown, by suit in his official name. 6. The Treasurer of Niue shall keep a roll of all male Natives, showing their ages, places of abode, and any other particulars that may be necessary for the proper carrying-out of the provisions of this Ordinance; and such Treasurer shall also keep a register of those Natives who make payments, showing the amount of contribution and penalty (if any) paid by each contributor and the year for which the contribution was paid. 7. The Treasurer of Niue shall at the time of payment hand to every person who pays a contribution or penalty under this Ordinance a receipt for the amount so paid, and the production of such receipt by a contributor shall be regarded as conclusive evidence of the payment by him of such contribution or penalty. 8. In the case of any dispute as to the age of any male Native, the Treasurer of Niue shall refer the matter to the Resident Commissioner, who, after hearing evidence on the subject, shall decide the matter, and his decision thereon shall be regarded as final. 9. The revenue derived from contributions and penalties collected under the authority of this Ordinance shall be appropriated annually as follows : — («.) A. sum of two hundred pounds as a subsidy towards the cost of the Niue Medical Service; and (b.) The balance shall be expended on maintaining the public roads. 10. This Ordinance shall come into operation on the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and shall cease to have any force or effect after the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty. Passed by the Island Council of Niue, this fourteenth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen. Joseph P. McMahon-Box, Clerk of the Island Council of Niue. Assented to on behalf of the Governor, this fourteenth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen. H. Cornwall, [l.s.] Resident Commissioner of Niue.

Approximate Cost of Paper. — Preparation, not given ; printing (075 copies), £18 10s.

Authority : Maiicus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l7.

Price 9d.]