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Motueka River Bridge ( Motueka-Riwaka Road). —A contract has been let for the reconstruction of the eastern portion of this bridge, including nine new stringer spans, of various lengths, on new pile piers and abutment. Maruia River Bridge (Maruia North Block Road). —A bridge, consisting of two 81 ft. Howe truss spans on concrete pier and abutments, has been erected. Road approaches have been completed for a distance of about 22 chains. Tiraumea River Bridge. —A traffic bridge, consisting of four 25 ft. and one 61 ft. spans on piles, with 1.0 ft. 6 in. roadway, has been erected, and approach roads formed and metalled. Arthur** Pass - Eumara —Boss—Waiho. —Maintenance of these main roads has involved an expenditure of over £5,000, which is less than usual. The work includes new metalling, patching existing metal, cleaning out water-tables, fords, &c, cutting overhanging scrub, re-forming road surface, and sundry minor improvements. Lyell Greek Bridge. — A contract for the erection of this bridge, comprising one 80 ft. timber truss span, one 20 ft. span on pile piers, and one concrete abutment, is practically completed. Ashley River Bridge. —A bridge, comprising eight 25 ft. stringer spans, 9 ft. 6 in. roadway, on pile piers, is being constructed under contract. The work is well in hand. llurunui River Bridge (Lower). —A bridge, comprising three 52 ft., one 51ft., one 25 ft., and one 11 ft. spans, on pile piers, is being erected by the Waipara County Council. Three spans are practically completed, and a fourth is well in hand. Makerikeri River Bridge. —A contract has been let for the erection of a bridge of eight 25 ft. spans on pile piers, with approach roads and extensive gabion protection. Timber is being carted to the site. Okuku River Bridge. —This bridge is being erected under contract, and is nearly completed, It consists of thirty-seven 25 ft. stringer spans on pile piers, the roadway being 9 ft. 6 in. wide, except on four spans, where the width is increased to 19 ft. 6 in. to provide a passing-place for vehicles. A contract has been let by the Ashley County Council for the construction of the approaches and protective work, and this is nearing completion. Orari River Bridge (Badham's Road). —A contract has been let for the erection of a bridge comprising fourteen 25 ft. stringer spans on pile piers. The work is progressing satisfactorily. Waitaki River Protective Works. —Stone gabions were constructed and placed in position for a distance of 13J chains along the river-frontage of the Steward Settlement. Two small groynes were also constructed, and further work is in progress. Arthur's Point Bridge (S'hotover River). —Plans of a new structure to replace the present decayed wooden bridge have been prepared, and materials have been obtained. Construction work will be put in hand shortly. Lumsden - Te Anau Road. —This tourist was repaired and put in order as far as possible, encroaching scrub being cleared for a distance of 6 miles, and 35 miles of road generally trimmed up. Maclennan River Bridge. —A road-bridge, comprising eight 25 ft. timber spans on concrete piers, was erected under contract. Tautuku River Bridge. —A timber bridge of three 25 ft. spans was erected under contract. Lurnsden Protective Works. —Two gabion groynes were constructed, also 4 chains of stopbank and sundry minor works to prevent erosion by the river. The results so far have been satisfactory.

IRRIGATION. Otekaike Settlement. This work was completed during the year. Ida Valley Scheme. The plastering of the Manorburn Dam was completed, and a diverting weir was constructed. The upper section of the Alexandra Bonanza Water-race was lined with concrete where necessary, dry stone walls erected, spillways cut, and stock-bridges erected. This section is now complete in every detail. The lower section was deepened where necessary. Moa Creek to Black's No. 3 Race was completed. Halliday's Race was cleaned up, and a 20-ft.-span heavy-traffic bridge erected at the point where the race is crossed by the road leading to the Manorburn Dam. The Syndicate Race was acquired by the Government, and widened and deepened for a distance of about 3| miles. A few settlers were supplied with water during the irrigation season. Manuhekikia-Alexandra-Clyde Scheme. A survey party has been engaged throughout the year in setting out distributary races and surveying in connection with the intake in the Manuherikia Gorge and elsewhere. A considerable amount of plan work was done, and the plotting now in hand includes a 10-chain-scale plan of the whole of the country to be dealt with under this A. small contract for the construction of 33 chains of water-race has made very slow progress, about 10 chains still remaining (o be made. The Department has carried out earthworks on 2 miles of race-line, and removed several large slips. Preliminary work in connection with the tunnel intake was completed, including 22 chains of tramway and a service road. At the inlet end of the tunnel all loose material has been removed and a shaft sunk to formation-level. Driving has just been commenced. At the outlet <*nd the tunnel has been driven for a distance of 3 - 67 chains. The total length of the tunnel is approximately 24 chains.