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fVaikato liiyer Bridge (Ra/ngvriri). —This new bridge is practically completed by contract. It comprises thirty-three 25 ft. stringer spans and three 123 ft. truss spans, in hardwood, on reinforced-ooncrete pile piers. The total length of the bridge is 1,194 ft., and the width between trusses 13 ft. 4 in. Waihou River Bridge (Tirohia). —A contract has been let for the erection of a timber bridge consisting of one 9 ft., four 25 ft., and one 24 ft. platform spans, and one G2 ft. truss spaa on hardwood pile piers. Waihato River Bridge (N garuawati/ia ). —A contract has been let for the erection of this bridge, which consists of three 123 ft., one 43 ft., and one 20 ft. spans, with 13 ft. roadway. The superstructure is of Australian hardwood, and will be carried on reinforced-concrete piles and C3'linders. All the piles have been made, and staging piles have been driven around the positions of the cylinders in readiness to commence sinking. Whatawhata to Raglan. —The proposals of the IJaglan County Council for re-forming, oulverting, and metalling about 15 miles of this road, at an estimated cost of .£16,000, have been approved. The Council has completed the whole of the formation and culverting and about 5i miles of metalling. When this work is completed the road between Whatawhata and Waitetuna will be metalled throughout. Hamilton to Roloruu. —The Matamata County Council has carried out, under Government grants, a considerable amount of raising, re-grading, culverting, and metalling on this road, effecting a very satisfactory improvement. Manga/piko Stream Bridge. —A reinforced-concrete bridge of two 15 ft. spans has been erected by the Rangiohia Road Board. Pirongia to Kawhia. —This road has been re-formed and metalled for a distance of 45 chains, under contract with the Department, and a timber bridge has been erected over the Kawaroa Stream. Waipa County Roads. —The Waipa County Council has carried out the metalling of nearly 11 miles of the following roads under Government subsidies, as well as over 9 miles on its own account : Pirongia to Te Awamutu, Te Awamutu to Ohaupo, Te Awamutu to Pirongia (Frontier Road), Te Rore to Pirongia, Whatawhata Swamp Road, and Kawa Road. Mangarapa Stream Bridge. —The Waitomo County Council has erected a platform bridge, 30 ft. span by 12 ft. wide, on rolled-steel joists, on the Hangatiki to Waitomo Road. Wharepuhunga Extension, No. 3 Block. —The Department has completed the construction of 2 miles 20 chains of dray-road, 12 ft. wide, also two timber bridges and sundry culverts. Wcdroa River Bridge (Tawanga). —Owing to a subsidence in the river-bank one abutment of this ferro-oonorete bridge settled down about 1 ft. This was raised by means of an hydraulic jack, and two additional piles were driven, restoring the bridge to its proper level. I'ongakawa Stream Bridge. —Timber and ironwork for a truss bridge of one 61 ft. span have been prepared, and erection will be commenced at once. Mtmgatoi Road. —Bush has been felled for a distance of 43 chains, and a 14 ft. road formed for 58 chains through heavy bush country, with a large proportion of solid rock cuttings. This work is very important to settlers. Mimilui Stream Bridge. —A. bridge consisting of three 25 ft. spans on masonry piers has been erected near Ruatahuna, in the Urewera Country, by the Department's bridge gang. The work was one of considerable difficulty, owing to the inaccessible character of the place. Motu-Opotiki Road. —This road was maintained for a distance of 15 miles for the greater part of the year. This length, with the Waiawa Deviation (3 miles), was then handed over to the local authority. Waioeka River to Matawai. —This road was widened from a 6 ft. track to a 12 ft. dray-road for a distance of 75 chains, and the portion already widened (5 miles 45 chains) was maintained —a work of some magnitude, owing to slips caused by the heavy rains experienced. Te Kuiti to Mokau. —Maintenance on this road has been carried out by contributions from the Waitomo and A.wakino County Councils, subsidized by the Government; but the amount available under this arrangement is hardly sufficient in view" of the very heavy traffic on the road. Waitomo County Roads. —The Waitomo County Council has formed 8 miles of Te Ahuroa Road and metalled 4 miles, as well as metalling a total length of 10 miles on Mangarino, Mangaotaki, Kumara, and Ngapaenga Roads. Mimi to Mokau. —The Clifton County Council has metalled 19 chains of dray-road, and quarried additional metal. The Department has lowered grades on Mount Messenger for 59 chains, sandstoned 12 chains of road, erected one small bridge and eight culverts, aoid completed 92 chains of engineering survey. Waiwakaiho River Bridge. —A contract was let for the construction of a weir across the river to protect the foundations of this concrete bridge. Work was commenced in July, 1916, but had to be suspended in December. It will be resumed shortly. Kotare Stream Bridge. —A girder bridge of one 30 ft. and two 16J ft. spans has been erected, and approaches formed. Waikawau River Bridge. —A bridge consisting of two 18 ft. and one 40 ft. spans has been erected. Manganui-a-te-ao River Bridge (lloihenga). —This bridge, consisting of one 121 ft. truss span, was completed under contract. Mangatiti (West). —On this road five small contracts were completed, comprising 54 chains of dray-road formation, 50 chains of horse-road 6 ft. wide, and twenty timber culverts. The dray-road already formed has been maintained for a distance of 5 miles, but only in a fit state for horse traffic, there being numerous slips, through which a 6 ft. track has been cleared. Under the flood-damage item 2J chains of road giving access to the steamer-landing on the Wanganui River was restored, having boon destroyed by floods.