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TABLE No. 2—continued. GENERAL SUMMARY-continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1895-96 to 1916-17— continued.

Expenditure. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1917. Description of Services. 1910-11. 1911-12. 1912-13. 1913-14. 1914-15. 1915-16. 1900-7. 1907-8. 1903-9. 1909-10. 1916-17. Public Buildings :— General (including Miscellaneous) Parliamentary I Courthouses Judicial J Gaols (Police-stations Post and Telegraph Customs Quarantine-stations.. Mental Hospitals " i £ £ 14.216 16.200 1,047 4,119 35,192 28,938 43.918 43,724 414 47 8,049 7.987 £ 16.200 4,119 £ 39.635 5.172 £ 39.635 5.172 37.211 62,262 2.507 15,296 £ 41.964 3. 157 £ 44.044 237 £ 34,721 2.004 £ 44.719 18.806 ! £ 43.199 23.612 £ £ 52,239 22,050 31,478 17,133 ! ( 4,902 38.808 - 17,786 i 25,484 60,838 35,258 £ 12,648 22,586 299 15,685 21,147 22,744 £ 28,938 43,724 . 47 37.211 02,202 2.507 31,006 22,295 44,133 45.431 - .._ 28,445 08.574 233 117,815 12,707 130.815 8,809 122,999 78.815 •■ ■• 7.987 15,290 19,839 40.181 26,001 53,996 54,898 Cr. 15 44,602 Public Health .. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions School Buildings Agricultural 1.765 7.497 10.259 15.576 109,459 100.197 2.707 1,690 7.497 15.570 100.197 1,690 ; 4.402 11,153 102,340 5.543 4.402 11,153 102,340 5.543 319 7.259 98.103 6.103 1.484 124.926 1,160 12.745 90,535 3,684 370 8.750 105,000 6,475 1.435 121.954 4,398 998 : 1.426 122,940 ! 97,972 2,428 2,972 Or. 34 68,275 55,893 *7,570 70,367 3.046 Workers' Dwellings .. 22,644 46.455 41.741 35,437 ■• : . Total, Public Buildings i_ 227,026 226,035 285,521 277.157 324.668 350,090 445,192 i 309,600 431, 966 335,759 256,131 6,880,081 _ Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences :— Lighthouses Harbour -works Harbour-defences 1,417 2,963 2,807 1,541 2,579 7.481 4,439 7.297 6.762 4,548 1,470 : 4,092 5.428 6,004 9,031 5.174 7.415 3,340 ! Cr. 1,462 339 539 Cr. 300 -3,887 12,563 ; 681 1,415 9,355 2,903 449 2,280 " 5.372 2,865 1,144 1,038 Total, Lighthouses, &c. 4.504 6.863 4.504 6.863 19.217 19,217 16,682 8,427 12.576 16,785 7,297 ; 17,131 13,673 3,767 1,140,075 Rates on Native Lands 695 837 695 837 27 27 68,672 jContingent Defence 14,874 18,574 j 14,874 18.574 10,766 10,766 4,977 6,071 6,071 10.437 10,437 23.790 30.180 15,221 37,619 9,742 1,036,977 Tourist and Health Resorts i 42.271 | 45,048 45,048 24.286 24.286 14,507 5,912 13.361 12.906 j 14,989 I 8,232 5,167 Cr. 12 Or. 500 1,094 258,509 1 1— Lands Improvement^ 5.605 9,561 9,561 19,542 19,542 . 6,910 11,125 20,394 22.550 Cr. 383 10,996 Or. 432 13,810 Or. 522 5,936 : Cr. 2,731 137,770 I Charges and Expenses of raising Loans .. .. < Or. 5,175 Cr. 8,487 Cr. 5.175 Cr. 8,487 575 575 17,715 66,367 67,470 72.950 105,449 35.495 5,037 Cr. 12,000 | Or. 66,392 Or. 66,954 Or. 71,681 Cr. 96,741 Cr. 34,865 Cr. 5,030 35 1,253.072 Interest and Sinking Funds 218,500 ■• Coal-exploration and Mine-development 10.835 Thermal Springs 14,000 Plant, Material, and Stores 74,418 9,778 84,196 Total Ways and Means Credits Grand Total —Net Expenditure '.'. 2 5,775 8,487 2,035,144 1,909,688 2,183,245 5,175 8,487 2,035,144 1,909,688 2 2,183,245 . _ _ 10,530. 103,524 105,792 43,400 11,160 5,713 2.022,876 1,891,918 2,190.731 2,347.965 2,421,464 2,565,019 2,333,784 1,278,483 i 66,968,468 * Includes £4,700 charged to " Unauthorized." f Includes expenditure on Irrigation and Water-supply— 1905-6, £22; 1906-7, £750 ; 1907-8, £1,554; 1908-9, £1,966.