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4 Hutton. F. W. : "Report on the Geology of the North-east Portion of the South Island, from Cook Strait to the Rakaia." Rep. Geo]. Expl. during 1873-74, No. 8, 187 1, pp. 27-58. 5. McKay, Alex. : " Report on the Weka Pass and Buller Districts." Rep. Geol. Expl. during 1874-76, No. 9, 1877, pp. 36-42. (i. McKay, Alex. : "Report on Kaikoura Peninsula and Amuri Bluff." Op. at., pp. 172-184. 7. McKay, Alex. : " Report on Cape Campbell District." Op. eit,., pp. 185-191. 8. McKay, Alex.: "On the Reptilian Beds of New Zealand." Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 9, 1877, pp. 581-590. vr „ 9. Hutton, P. W. : "On the Geological Position of the Weka Pass Stone of New Zealand. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc, vol. 41, 1885, pp. 266-278. II). Hector, James: " Kaikoura District." Progress Report m Rep. Geol. Expl. during 1885, No. 17. 1886, pp. xii-xxxvii. ... ~ 11. McKay, Alex. : "On the Geology of the Eastern Part of Marlborough Provincial District. Rep. Geol. Expl. during 1885, No. 17, 1886, pp. 27-136. 12. Hector, James: "Kaikoura Peuinsula, AVeka Pass, Amuri Bluff." Progress Report in Rep. Geol. Expl. during 1868-87, No. 18, 1887, pp. ix-xiv. 13. McKav. Alex.: "On the Grey Marls and Weka Pass Stone in Kaikoura Peninsula and at Amuri Bluff." Rep. Geol. Expl. during 1886-87, No. 18, 1887, pp. 74-78. 14. McKay, Alex. : " On the Junction of the Amuri Limestone and Weka Pass Stone, Weka Pass, North Canterbury." Op. cit., pp. 78-91. 15. Park, James: "On the Geology of Waipara and Weka Pass Districts." Rep. Geol. Expl. during 1887-88, No. 19, 1888, pp. 25-35. 16. McKav, Alex. : "On the Geology of Marlborough and the Amuri District of Nelson." Rep. Geol. Expl. during 1888-89, No. 20, 1890, pp. 85-185. 17. McKay, Alex. : "On the Geology of Marlborough and South-east Nelson." Rep. Geol. Expl. during 1890-91, No. 21, 1892, pp. 1-28. IS. McKay, Alex.: "On the Geology of the Middle Waipara and Weka Pass Districts, North Canterbury." Op. cit., pp. 97-103. 19. Marshall, P.." Speight, R., and Cotton, C. A. : "The Younger Rock-Series of New Zealand." Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 43, 1911, pp. 378-407. 20. Marshall, P. : " Geology of New Zealand." 1.912. 21. Marshall, P.: " New Zealand and Adjacent Islands." 1912. Reprinted from Handbuch der regionalen Geologic, 5 Heft, Band VII, Abteilung 1. 22. Thomson, J. A.: "Field-work in East Marlborough and North Canterbury." Sixth Ann. Rep. N.Z. Geol. Sur., C.-9, 1912, pp. 7-9. 23. Thomson, J. A. : " Results of Field-work." Seventh Ann. Rep. N.Z. Geol. Sur., C.-2, 1913, pp. 122-123. 24. Cotton, C. A. : "The Physiography of the Middle Clarence Valley." Geographical Journal, vol. xlii, 1913, pp. 225-246. 25. Cotton, C. A. : " On the Relations of the Great Marlborough Conglomerate to the Underlying Formations in the Middle Clarence Valley, New Zealand." Journal of Geology, vol. xxii, No. 4, May-June, 1914, pp. 346-363. 26. Morgan, P. G. : "Weka Pass District, North Canterbury." Ninth Ann. Rep. N.Z. Geol. Sur., C.-2, 1915, pp. 90-93. '<**&!. Thomson, J. A. : " Oil-indications in the Benmore District, East Marlborough." Ninth Ann. Rep. N.Z. Geol. Sur.. C.-2, 1915, pp. 100-101.

8. SCHEELITE AND WOLFRAM (TUNGSTEN ORES) IN NEW ZEALAND. (By P. G. Morgan.) Soheelite occurs at Saddle Hill, near Dunedin; Stony Creek and other localities near Waipori ; Carrick Range; Bendigo (Cromwell District); in the gravels of many streams in the bake Wakatipu district, and in lodes near Glenorchv ; in the Buckleburn Valley, at Mount McTntosh, &C. ; at Mount, Highlay, near Hyde; in the Macraes district ;at Stoneburn, and various other localities in Otago; in the Jubilee Mine lode, Top Valley (Marlborough); in the Wakamarina district (Dominion Mine, &c); and in the gravels of the Buller River at Newton Flat, Inangahua Junction, &c. It is also reported from the Mount Radiant district. All Hit- known New' Zealand occurrences of scheelite in situ are in connection with more or less auriferous quartz lodes in mica-schist country. In other parts of the world tungsten minerals are generally found in granite. The mineral is found either as rich bunches or thinly disseminated through the quartz. In the former case it may be obtained by hand-picking the broken ores, whilst in the latter case fine crushing and treatment by some form of concentrating machinery is necessary. Wolfram occurs in tin-bearing gravels, Stewart, Island, and in a quartz lode, Mount Mantell (Murchison district). It is also reported from the Mount Arthur district, from the gravels of the Westport district, and from Mount Rangitoto (North Westland). In several of these localities there is a possibility of prospecting revealing workable deposits. The principal scheelite-producing district in New Zealand for a number of years was Macraes, but at the present time comparatively little seheelitc-mining is being done in that, locality. From observations made during visits in 1909 and 1914, I think that an increase in ihe price of scheelite will lead to renewed activity in the Macraes and the adjoining Mount Highlay districts, followed by increased production. For several years there has been a considerable production in the Glenorchy district. From the Inspector of Mines' report made in 1913 it would appear that there is a large area of scheelite-bearing country, and that the industry