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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Salarios. 1916-17. Othoi- Charges. 1916-17. Total. i i Vote No. 42.—Clerk of Executive Council £ £ £ • £ • £ •il il 5C 50 0 50 „ 43.—Department of Internal Affairs (Head Office) „ 44.— Ministers' Secretaries ,1 22.85S 22,859 9 29,065 29,065 51,924 1,81£ 1,815 5 1,815 „ 45. —Messengers, Office-keepers, and Charwomen „ 46. —Audit Department •s, n 25,502 25,502 2 8,610 8,610 34,112 6,434 6,434 4 3,100 3,100 9,534 „ 47.—Registrar-General's Office 4,92£ 4,929 9 4,700 4,700 9,629 „ 48.—Census and Statistics 3,171 3,171 1 31,775 31,775 34,946 49.—Electoral 3,847 3,847 7 1,583 1,583 5,430 „ 50.—High Commissioner's Office e 9,16C 9,160 0 9,068 9,068 18,228 „ 51.—Museum 1,487 1,487 7 2,058 2,058 3,545 „ 52.—Dominion Laboratory 3,34£ 3,343 3 1,748 1,748 5,091 „ 53.—Printing and Stationery ... 11.04C 11,040 0 20,675 20,675 31,715 „ 54.—Mental Hospitals 106,845 105,349 9 45,024 45,024 150,373 „ 55.—Home for Defectives 917 917 7 345 345 1,262 „ 56.—Tourists 23,946 23,948 8 24,414 24,414 48,362 „ 57. —Public Service Commissioner's Office 58.—Public Health, Hospitals and Charitable Aid „ 59.—Miscellaneous Services ... s2,966 2,958 8 2,406 2,406 5,364 ,h 21,164 21,164 4 32,653 32,653 53,817 50,933 50,933 50,933 TOTAL OF CLASS IX ... 247,973 268,157 516,130 Item. 1916CLERK OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 1 -17. 16-17. 1 VOTE No. 42. Clerk of Executive Council (also Secretary to Cabinet, £ £575) ... ... ... 50 Total—Vote No. 42 ... ... £