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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave.

To the ltight Honourable William Fehgcsom Massey, P.C., President of the Board of Trade. 1. Investigation of Complaints alleging: Infringement of the Commercial Trusts Act, 1910. 1. Re Sugar. —Complaint of Fairbairn, Wright, and Co. that the Colonial Sugar Company's scheme of discounts was a breach of the Commercial Trusts Act. Result : SolicitorGeneral has advised on evidence submitted that the practice is legal. 2. Re Coal. —Complaint by Neil Cook against Nightcaps Coal Company, invercargill. Complaint was fully investigated in public. Result: The facts were determined and a legal point was submitted to the Solicitor-General for advice. 3. Re Goal. —Complaint by Neil Cook against the Wairio Coal Company, Invercargill. Complaint was fully investigated in public, and facts showed that no breach had been committed. Report already in your hands. 11. Investigations under Section 6 (b) of the Commercial Trusts Act relating to the Supply, Demand, or Price of Commodities. 1. Petrol Prices. —Referred to Board by His Excellency the Governor. Inquiry was held and representatives of all oil companies doing business in New Zealand were examined. Result: Report submitted showing that price is reasonable and on a parity with prices fixed by the Necessary Commodities Control Commission of New South Wales. 2. Fish Prices. —Referred to Board by His Excellency the Governor. Inquiry opened at Auckland and continued at Napier. Result : Investigation incomplete, therefore no report yet submitted. 111. Complaints under Section 6 (c) that the Prick of ant Class of Goods is unreasonably High. 1. Coal Price at Auckland. —Inquiry held; representatives of the various companies were examined, also wholesale dealers and retailers. Result : Report submitted and laid on the Table. After a conference between members of the Board and leading coal dealers and retailers the price of coal in bag lots was reduced by 2s. a ton. Estimated saving to consumers by this reduction totals £3,000 per annum. 2. Coal Prices at New Plymouth. — Inquiry held, and master coal-dealers examined. Result: Prices reduced from Is. 6d. to 6s. per ton. Estimated saving to consumers, £1,500 per annum. 3. Sugar, Price and Supply of. —Inquiry held Auckland and Wellington, and agreement arrived at with company, fixing price at £21 per ton for twelve months ending Juno, 1917. Result : Report submitted to you. On comparison with prices in other countries New Zealand is saving by this arrangement £360,000 for the period. (Note. —Retail prices of sugar to-day are, per pound, New Zealand. 2§d. to 3d.; Australia, 3£d. to 3f d.; Great Britain, s|d.) 4. Wheat, &c, Bread, and Flour. —Prices investigated at Christehurch, Ashburton, Timaru, Greymouth, Westport, Nelson, Auckland, Pukekohe, Thames, Hamilton, Wanganui, and New Plymouth. Result : Report with recommendations submitted to you, and subsequently laid on Table, printed, and circulated. At Thames price of bread reduced after conference with bakers to correspond with Auckland prices. Estimated saving to Thames consumers. £2,000 per annum. At Hamilton and Pukekohe, Board unsuccessful in reducing price of bread, which it considered unreasonably high. At New Plymouth, bread reduced in price by bakers after conference with Board by Id. per 41b. loaf. Estimated saving to consumers in New Plymouth, £2,600 per annum.