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C — continued. SUMMARIES— continued. Merino and Longwools shown separately.

Males. Females. Totals. I ! Merino .. .. .. .. .. 521,858 686,787 1,208,645 Crossbred and othe<longwools .. .. 6,721,013 16,858,492 23,579,505 Totals, 1916 .. .. ! 7,242,871 17,545,279 24,788,150 . 1915 .. .. 7,246,565 17,654,866 24,901,421 Decrease: Males .. .. 3,694 Decrease: Females.. .. j .. 109,577 Net Deorease .. ..! .. .. 113,271 Number of Ewes in the Dominion (Stud and Flock). North Island. South Island. Dominion. North Island. Domin ilon. Year. ■ Breeding-ewes. Dry Ewes. Breeding-ewes. Dry Ewes. Breeding-ewes. Dry Ewes. Breeding-ewes. Dry Ewes. 30th April— 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 5,472,818 501,494 ! 5,264,028 493,508 10,736,846 995,002 5,698,865 626,687 : 5,545,176 540,158 11,244,041 1,166,846 6,356,783 580,092 6,013,563 435,167 12,370,346 1,015,259 6,456,509 690,435 6,058,871 518,078 12,515,380 1,208,513 6,354,874 751,817 5,969,589 560,043 12,324,463 1,312,460 6,393,460 755,906 5,883,569 579,857 12,277,029 j 1,335,763 6,505,491 729,637 6,015,545 434,070 12,521,036 1,163,707 6,619,378 697,352 6,300,798 468,923 12,920,176 1,166,275 .. ' 6,643,567 704,218 i 5,971,814 678,242 12,615,341 1,382,460 .. 7,230,450 546,821 5,662,317 657,214 12,892,767 1,204,035 10,736,846 11,244,041 12,370,346 12,515,380 12,324,463 12,277,029 i 12,521,030 12,920,170 12,615,341 12,892,767 995,002 1,166,846 1,015,259 1,208,513 1,312,460 | 1,335,763 1,163,707 1,166,275 1,382,460 1,204,035 Nu: jmber of Rams, Wethers, Ewes, and Lambs in the Dominion since 1907. NUMBI (30th April). (30th April). Stud Rams, Flock Rams, Wethers, Two-tooth and Two-tooth and Two-tooth and j Breeding-ewes, i Dry Ewes. Lambs. Totals. Over. Over. Over. ! 1907 .. 1908 .. 1909 .. 1910 .. 1911 .. 1912 .. 1913 .. 1914 .. 1915 .. 1910 .. 1907 .. 1908 .. 1909 .. 1910 .. 1911 .. 1912 .. 1913 .. 1914 .. 1915 .. 1910 .. 11,928 243,574 2,899,763 10,736,846 995,002 6,09G,659 ; 20,983,772 14,902 257,850 3,378,398 11,244,041 : 1,166,845 6,387,017 22,449,058 16,060 282,858 3,427,994 I 12,370,346 1,015,259 6,368,190 23,480,707 15,008 290,501 i 3,167,082 : 12,515,380 1,208,518 7,073,076 , 24,269,620 17,275 280,623 3,342,281 j 12,324,463 1,312,460 6.719,024 23,996,126 16.155 290,433 3,359,969 12,277,029 1,335,763 6,470,804 23,750,153 13.156 300,534 3,207,550 12,521,036 1,163,707 6,985,827 24,191,810 13,385 308,484 3,211,661 12,920,170 1,166,275 7,178,782 24,798,768, 16,084 299,167 8,270,221 12,015,341 1,382,460 7,318,148 24,901,421 15,114 301,017 3,478,263 12,892,767 1,204,035 6,896,954 24,788,150 Number op Sheep in the Dominion since 1907. I g'B, Stud and j Stud Stud : stud TO cjvi!„ ua $< Flock Breeding- Dry L |*"f and Flock ! Kg Bams. ! ewes. Ewes. f*»** •»**«* „_ 'Breeding- Dl . y Kwes . Lamb9 . Grand Total Stud and Flock Sheep 1907 255,502 215,528 12,773 151,881 635,684 2,899,763 10,521,313 982,229 5,944,778 1908 272,,752 230,075 14,725 157,556 675,108 3,378,398 11,013,906 1,152,120 6,229,461 1909 298,918 222,799 14,192 153,948 689,857 3,427,994 12,147,547 , 1,001,067 6,214,242 1910 305,509 j 227,187 13,943 160,234 706,933 3,167,082 12,288,193 1,194,570 6,912,842 1911 297,898 | 229,709 14,117 163,899 705,617 3,342,281 12,094,754 : 1,298,343 6,555,125 1912 306,588 232,782 11,563 155,498 706,431 3,359,969 12,044,247 1,324,200 6,315,306 1913 313,690 228,145 12,902 167,605 722,342 i 3,207,550 12,292,891 1,150,805 6,818,222 1914 321,869 229,055 13,526 170,16'.) 734,619 i 3,211,661 12,691,121 1,152,749 i 7,008,613 1915 315,251 237,717 17,341 176,556 746,865 3,270,221 12,377,624 1,365,119 7,141,592 1916 316,131 252,201 15,012 | 175,155 758,499 3,478,263 12,640,566 1,189,023 6,721,799 20,983,772 22,449,053 23,480,707 24,209,620 23,990,126 23,750,153 24,191,810 24,798,768 24,901,421 24,788,150