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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave.

Sir, — Department, of Internal Affairs, Wellington, Ist July, 1916. 1 have the honour to submit herewith the annual report of the Department for the year ended 31st March, 1916. In former years it has been the practice to present to Parliament separate statements on various aspects of the Department's work, but this year it has been considered desirable to publish all these separate statements in one report. I have accordingly taken the opportunity briefly to refer to the organization and functions of the Department as a whole, and in particular to the work of the Head Office, which has not previously been dealt with in any of the published reports. I have, &c, J. HiSI.OP, The Hon. G. W. Russell, Minister of Internal Affairs, Wellington. Under-Secretary.

ABSTRACT OF ANNUAL REPORT. I. The Organization and Functions op the Department. tI. The Work of the Year. 1. The Effect of the War on the Department. (8.) Animals Protection Act. Shipment of Gift Goods and Transmission of Shooting Seasons for Game and Deer. Moneys. Sanctuaries. War Funds Act, 1915. Damage by Deer. Permits and Passports. Deterioration of Deer Herds. Gaming Amendment Act, 1915. Huias. Relieving Staff. The Tuatara. Sub-Departments. Miscellaneous. New Zealand Gazette. Consolidated Animals Protection Act. 2. The Ordinary Work of the Head Office during (*•) Fire Brigades Aot. the Year lire Districts. Introductory Paragraph. Inspection of Fire Brigades. ~ , T ,„ Consolidated Fire Brigades Aot. (1.) Local Government. (5.) Motor Regulation Act. Boroughs and Town Districts. ((i , M , ltua] Firo Insuranoe Associations AmendCounties. ment Act, 1913. Road Districts. (7-) Land ents Aot Land Drainage and River Districts. (a) Weignts and Measures Act. Legislation of 1915. (9 } B()ar(1 of Soienoe and Art Future Legislation. (10-) Hector Observatory. General. 3< Th(i Work „ f the Sub-Departments durine the (2.) Inland Fisheries. Year. Destruction of 111-conditioned Fish. Introductory Paragraph. Marketing of Fish and Smoked Trout. Census and Statistics Office. Study of the Worm Parasite. Registrar-General's Office. Destruction of Shags. Dominion Laboratory. Trout-hatchery. Dominion Museum. 111. Staph-. IV. Assistance rendered by other Departments. APPENDIX. I. Report of Government Statistician. IT. Report of Registrar-General. 111. Report of Dominion Analyst and Chief Inspector of Explosives. TV. Report of Director of the Dominion Museum. V. Report of Officer in Charge, War Funds Office. VI. Report of Government Astronomer.

I—H. 22.