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Table B (omitted), Details of Expenditure

Table C. Table showing the Offences and Degree of Education of Distinct Convicted Prisoners (excluding Maoris) received during the Year 1915.

Table D. Table showing the Actual Number of Distinct Convicted Prisoners (exclusive of Maoris) received into Prison during the Year 1915, classified according to Principal Offence, Birthplace, and Age.


Offences. Offences. SuEdu Supi Educi iperior ucabion. irior ibion. Able to re writ ead and te. Able to onl; d read Unable to ly. read. > read le to id. Tote 9,18. Offences against the person — Convicted on indictment .. Summarily convicted M. 1 M. 1 F. ir. M. 71 94 F. 7 1 M. i F. M. F. 1 2 F. F. M. 73 97 F. 7 1 Offences against property— Theft and deceit Misohief 3 3 548 31 19 3 2 4 557 31 19 3 Miscellaneous— Vagrancy Drunkenness Others I 287 740 797 106 57 77 1 (i 7 8 19 4 26 296 766 830 100 61 77 Totals .. 5 2,568 270 17 60 4 2,650 274 I I

Offei ices a Pen gainst the ion. againsv Miscellaneous. Offences against Property. Oonvii on Indictr sted rent, j Summarily Theft and «*i.„v,i.» v.,™,.,,.., *Drunken- Othi convicted' Deceit. Mischief. Vagrancy. Qess oflen( M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. F. M. I •r ces. Totals. M. P. F. M. P. Birthplaces— England anil Wales Scotland Ireland Now Zealand Australian States Other British possessions China Other countries At sea 18 2 2 36 7 2 I 5 6 1 14 4 8 52 6 2 I 116 34 34 289 49 4 2 29 2 2 1 14 4 3 4 15 2 68 19 33 118 31 7 II I 8 63 17 210 120 104 217 59 7 1(1 6 12 27 4 1 200 66 75 204 71 17 9 91 1 10 4 12 I 39 3 3 16 4 12 39 3 630 40 248 1.4 260 33 1,021 150 225 26 39 I 12 208 9 I 1 11 3 20 5 I 49 1 3 Totals 73 7 97 1 557 19 31 3 3 296 106 (il 830 77 2,650 274 766 Ages— Under 10 years 10 and under 12 years .. 12 and under 15 years .. 15 and under 20 years .. 20 and under 25 years .. 25 and under 30 years .. 30 and under 40 years .. 40 and under 50 years .. 50 and under 60 years .. 60 years and over10 12 12 21 13 3 2 I 5 1 3 16 13 32 16 9 8 46 71 97 204 93 31 15 3 . 4 ! 5 5 3 12 3 6 2 5 4 9 32 110 67 37 37 3 2 20 13 63 33 239 35 208 16 145 4 91 20 63 239 208 145 91 6 21 17 13 4 16 81 120 273 187 100 53 1 3 11 30 17 11 4 79 214 340 891 587 331 208 8 9 37 91 77 40 12 I ,2 12 3 3 6 •• i __!. l Totals 73 7 97 I 557 19 31 31 3 296 106 766 766 61 830 77 2,650 274 Totals, 1914 62 106 I. 098 29 | 25 2 305 120 967 967 56 951 64 3,114 272 * It must be remembore tables do not represent the f id that ( full nuni irunl iber ( keiiness :>f pcrso is p mnishec ii n i shed I mor for tl re by fl hat off) i ine t inn imp irisonment, si that the til ;ures in the prison ills pi mce.