Website updates are scheduled for Tuesday September 10th from 8:30am to 12:30pm. While this is happening, the site will look a little different and some features may be unavailable.
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Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.

Name ol Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid in Wages, Maintenance, (fee, Campbell, J. Compton, — Craig, R. Crook, T. Condon, W. A. Cottier, J. J. Coates, J. Coleman, F. Cozens, O. R. Campbell. W. Connelly, W. Collins, W. ' .. Cahill, G. Cahill, P. Craig, R. Callaghan, R. Clarke, J. Callcnder, A. T Cairns, W. A. Crowley, J. Crawley, T. Gumming. A. Cant, A. R. Davidson, K. Dixon, George Davics, D. T. Donohuc, W. Drydcn, L. Devine, L. Dixon, J. Donnelly. IT. Daniels, T. Donnelly, W. Don 11, A. Davis, R. Debney, J. Dunne, T. Dugdale, J. E. . . Douglas, J. Driscoll, J. Douglas, W. E. . . Duggan, M. Douglas, C. Eyles, M. Evans, J. Ellis, G. v. Edwards, A. EUendersen, J. E. Ellenderson, J. E. Fowler, L. Flood, J. Freeman, W. J. .. Fleming, (.'. Findlay, R. Ferguson, C. Freeman, H. Fahey, J. Fraser, J. A. Fierney, J. Fredericksen, .). W. Fownier, R-. Flaherty, B. Gilberston, .1. (I. Georgeson, J. Gendall, J. Gerard, R. Gasooigne, O. S. George, J. Gunn, H. Gard, J. (iambic, R. Griffiths, — Graham, P. Grand, IT. Gillespie. .1. Gilkes, R. George, J. Gates, F. Gunn, R. Grange, S. Gill, R. Hall, M. W. Hoffmann, E. Harding, E. W. . . Hooper, T. H. Handcock, C. Hardwick, J. Hornbrook, J. Mararoa Kauri Kini Willoohra Maori Squall . . • . . Maori Marama Kamo Mapourika Maori Maori Awahou Mararoa Mapourika Na vuii. Waihora Paloona Mararoa Waitomo Victoria Talune Ngakuta Squall Arahura Manuka Katoa Claymore Kaitoa Kini Wakatu Corinna ■ La Blanca Wahine .. Moana Kini Maori Maori Corinna Kaiapoi Tarawera Ngaru Kereru Arahura Navua Wakatu Wakatu Huia Huia Warrimoo Victoria Wahine Maori Te Anau . Kennedy Pateena Westralia Arahura Rarawa Karamu Apanui Tarawera Kennedy Calm Queen of the South Ngakuta Kahu Canopus Calm Maori Arahura Arahura Maheno Corinna Mararoa Mokoia .. . . Kennedy Maori Mararoa Victoria Westralia Kaitoa Tarawera Mineric Maori Maori Kittawa Arahura Poisoned finger Gastro-alooholism Injured leg .. Injured head Burnt elbow Injured leg Influenza Measles Bronchitis Strained back . . .: Neuritis Influenza Injured finger Injured leg Injured leg Bronchitis General debility Crushed fingers Injured leg General debility Influenza Finger poisoned Crushed toes Rheumatism Gastro-enteritis Carbuncle on back Taken ill, sent to hospital Diphtheria Interna] pains Lumbago Injured head Strained tendon, right arm .. Piles .•. Influenza .. Measles Injured wrist Poisoned hand Bronchial catarrh Injured thumb .. Soiatioa Influenza . . i Thumb bruised . . St rain id back ('rushed toes . . .Severe cold Lacerated finger Influenza Injured km e .. Injured hip Inflammation of lungs Injured finger Measles Enlarged, liver Injured thumb . . Injured foot Sciatica . . Swollen foot . . Internal pains . . J Injured left hand . . i Poisoned foot . . | Cut hand. . . Crushed hand Injury to spine .. . . . Measles . . | [njured knee .. J Ptomaine poisoning Injured knee .. Fractured ribs and scalp wounds .. Burnt back of hand Strained back Sprained leg . ■ Influenza Wricked back . .. ! Influenza .. | Poisoned arm Strained muscles in back Inflamed knee .. . . j Hernia. . . . ! Scalded arms and face .. , Injured ribs .. Pneumonia Pleurisy Crushed thumb Synovitis Lumbago Wricked back Injured foot, .. Laryngitis £ s. d. 9 17 10 4 13 11 29 12 6 6 17 0 10 I 0 37 12 8 10 2 I 2 7 0 10 12 4 15 7 9 13 14 10 5 I 7 41 4 0 10 I 6 19 8 5 35 9 0 7 0 0 10 10 5 9 5 0 10 4 0 12 10 9 8 19 I 26 17 0 4 18 0 10 11 I 21 17 I 18 19 10 9 17 4 20 14 7 11 10 0 17 14 0 5 13 0 17 3 6 8 10 II 4 19 0 22 19 4 8 16 I 18 11 10 24 16 0 21 19 0 9 11 7 9 I 2 11 8 11 12 0 2 9 Hi 9 9 6 0 0 14 I I 10 3 7 11 8 5 25 3 I I 11 13 0 7 15 10 66 6 0 9 li 9 29 3 3 22 I 3 10 II 5 37 14 10 .'I 17 2 10 8 10 28 0 0 12 13 2 22 13 0 17 4 7 20 0 0 12 2 9 7 0 1(1 49 10 7 16 5 4 8 7 2 22 13 0 9 (i 5 32 8 8 9 17 'I 8 17 4 9 in 9 11 13 3 10 0 0 8 19 3 26 14 9 7 1 0 20 9 5 10 14 0 24 18 0 9 8 0 9 19 3 39 15 I III I I I)