Website updates are scheduled for Tuesday September 10th from 8:30am to 12:30pm. While this is happening, the site will look a little different and some features may be unavailable.
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July 13 Navua, Dunedin .. „ 14 Delphic, Liverpool ,, 17 Paloona, Dunedin ,, 20 Wahine, Dunedin .. „ 24 Warrimoo, Dunedin „ 28 Willochra, Dunedin „ 29 Rarawa, Auckland „ 29 Mapourika, Dunedin „ 30 Huia, Wellington .. ,, 30 Whakarua, London „ 31 Talune, Dunedin .. Aug. 2 Arahura, Dunedin.. „ 4 Kennedy, Nelson .. ,, 5 Kurow, Dunedin .. „ 6 Katoa, Dunedin .. 9 Ngatoro, Port Glasgow* „ 9 Maori, Dunedin .. „ II Dredge 222, Dunedin „ 12 Warrimoo, Dunedin „ 12 Awahou, Wellington „ 14 Warrimoo, Dunedin ,, 14 Hawera, Wellington „ 16 Waimarie, Auckland „ 17 Paroto, Auckland „ 18 Kaitoa, Nelson „ 18 Waimarie, Auckland „ 20 Gael, Auckland .. „ 24 Paloona, Dunedin.. ., 25 Manaia, Auckland „ 26 Mapourika, Dunedin „ 26 Kanieri, Auckland ,, 26 Talune, Dunedin .. „ 29 j Warrimoo, Dunedin „ 31 Mapourika, Dunedin Sept. 1 Corinna, Launeeston ,, 2 Kauri, Dunedin ,, 2 Kahu, Napier ,, 3 Holmdale, Wellington ,, 4 Greyhound, Napier ,, 5 Corinna, Launeeston ,, 9 Kapiti, Wellington „ 14 Calm, Lyttelton . . ,, 15 Welcome, Auckland ,, 15 Mapourika, Dunedin „ 16 Te Anau, Dunedin „ 18 Glenelg, Auckland „ 20 Squall, Napier „ 20 Maori, Dunedin „ 24 Hurunui, Plymouth „ 25 Flora, Hobaxt ,, 30 Maori, Dunedin Oct. 1 ' Kennedy, Nelson .. S. Young, sculleryman -. Sprained ankle H. Phillips, trimmer .. Hernia J. Curham, fireman .. Injured fingers W. Condon, fireman .. Bruised elbow E. Tilley, fireman .. .. Poisoned hand F. Crook, A.B. .. .. Injured head B. Burke, 2nd mate .. Injured ribs W. J. Braid, 2nd steward .. Strained back .. J. E. Ellenderson, A.B. .. Injured knee J. White, greaser .. .. Knife wound in left side T. Blundell, butcher . • Bruised shoulder . . C. Lyons, fireman .. .. Injured shoulder .. C. Nelson, A.B. .. .. Injured hand .. ! T. Rudder, trimmer . • Injured wrist F. Lindquist, boatswain .. Leg broken R. Monci-ieff, lamps - - Injured foot W. A. Condon, fireman .. Burnt elbow .. T. J. Jameson .. . • Fatal J. Meeske, fireman.. .. Injured hand G. Cahill, A.B. .. .. Injured finger J. Rufiet, fireman . . .. Strained himself .. A. Brown, A.B. .. .. Injured foot A. Pitt, 2nd steward .. Scalded knee J. Mullins, A.B. .. .. Injured head and body A. Pearcy, O.S. .. .. Injured finger H. Williams, fireman .. Injured finger .. G. McKay, O.S. .. .. Crushed toe W. Butler, steward .. Injured back W. Nelson, 1st stew*ard . . Injured foot W. L. Watson. O.S. .. Injured finger .. T. McBrien, O.S. .. .. Scalded wist V. Neilsen, 2nd cook .. Poisoned finger J. F. Moore, trimmer .. Bruised elbow .. j L. Jackson, O.S. .. .. Shock .. ' T. Daniels, fireman.. .. Strained arm .. ! W. Richards, fireman .. Inflammation of eye 0. S. Gascoigne, O.S. .. Injured knee W. Harlow, cook and steward ; Bruised shoulder .. J. Toki, boy .. .. Injured shin-bom H. L. Hay, 3rd mate .. Injured testicles .. J. Brown, A.B. .. .. Wricked back .. I H. Gunn. fireman .. .. Burnt hand .. ! F. O'Too'le, A.B. .. .. Strained himself .. .. j J. Henderson, 2nd cook .. Bad leg .. R. Findlay, fireman .. Broken thumb K. Larson, A.B. .. .. Fractured finger .. G. Robinson, fireman .. Crushed foot T. Dunne, fireman .. Poisoned hand W. McDonald, fireman .. Hernia J. Ryan, fireman .. .. Injured wrist Y. Gard, assistant steward .. Strained back C. Ferguson, fireman .. Injured foot .. At sea At sea Lyttelton .. At sea At sea Freniantle New Plymouth At sea ■ • I Wanganui At sea Auckland .. Picton Nelson At sea At sea Lyttelton .. At sea Dunedin .. .. At sea ., i Wanganui At sea .. Patea Paeroa Auckland .. Nelson Kapuni Auckland .. Napier . . j Auckland .. At sea Auckland .. Auckland .. At sea Westport .. Lyttelton .. Lyttelton .. Port Awanui .. : Greymouth Rangiora .. Picton Wellington Lyttelton . . Auckland .. . - At sea Dunedin .. Auckland .. At sea At sea .. At sea .. At sea Lyttelton .. Foxton .. ■ Slipped in freezer. .. | Collided with wheel-barrow in stokehold. Injured in stokehold. Injured in stokehold Injured in stokehold, shovelling. .. Fell down fidley. Injured loading cattle. Strained in storeroom. While working cargo in hold. Injured during struggle with cook. Slipped on deck. Slipped in forecastle. Caught in deck-ladder. While shovelling coal in stokehold. Fixing ventilator, when sea struck him. Hatch fell on foot. .. ; Burnt while in stokehold. Crushed between dredge-ladder and a pile. While firing. Rail fell on hand. .. . While engaged firing in stokehold. • .. A quarter of beef fell on foot. .. , Scalded right knee. .. I While working cargo. .. | Injury to finger, hand afterwards amputated. .. | Caught in lever of winch. Piece of timber fell on toe. Piece of meat fell on back. .. I Slipped down stairs. .. • Jammed finger in forecastle-door. .. j Scalded wrist. .. ! Punctured finger opening bottle of sauce. .. I Slipped in stokehold. Fell down hold. Whilst working in stokehold. .. i Whilst stoking had eyes burnt. ■ .. While working in surf-boat. .. ■ Slipped on wet gangway. Fell on deck cargo. .. , Slipped on bridge-ladder. .. ! While working cargo. .. ! Burnt in stokehold. While working logs of timber. Struck his shin on doorstep. Slipped in engine-room. .. , While discharging coal caught finger in wire rope. Piece of iron fell on foot in stokehold. .. ! Ran splinter into hand while in stokehold. Whilst working on ship. Whilst working in stokehold. Whilst handling linen-bags. Whilst working in engine-room.