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Jan. 21 John, s.s., 17 years Schooner134] 11 9 28 15 hi 19 13 General Benzine Coal .. 62 i General Wool . . Genera] General Collision with bridge : damage, £50 Fire ; total loss Stranded ; damage, £500 Stranded : trifling damage Stranded ; total loss Stranded ; n o damage Stranded ; n o j Town Bridge. Wanganui King's Wharf. Auckland Pencarrow Head Cape Terawhiti Near East Cape Long Island, Queen Charlotte Sound Port. Chalmers i In trying to avoid collision with a punt the vessel was carried by 1 the strong current on to the bridge and suffered some damage N.E. Light .. The origin of the fire is not known, the only persons on board at the time being two Natives of Nuie Island Calm .. The stranding was contributed to by the default of the master in failing to exercise the precaution of taking regular soundings, in view of the heavy fog prevailing, and he was ordered to pav the costs of the inquirv. £6 14s. Calm .. The stranding was caused by the default of the master in not using the log to verify' the distance run from the Brothers Island to Cape Terawhiti, and in trusting, during the fog, to the ebb tide setting the ship sufficiently to the southward to.clear Cape Terawhiti. The master was ordered to pay the cost of the inquiry, £4 4s. Calm .. The loss of ship and cargo was due to error of judgment on the part of the master in not verifying his distance from Horoera Point, and not making sufficient allowance for the set of the tide. He was ordered to pay the cost of the inquiry, £8 14s. N. Light .. Owing to thick fog the master slowed down and proceeded to anchorage under Long Island, but in doing so the vessel grounded and remained fast for two hours and a half N. Light .. i Grounded on mudbank in strong ebb tide W. A. Smith. ., 27 Kereru, 10 years Ketch .. 99 R. N. Anderson. ., 31 Komata, s.s., 9 years Schooner, 1,194 W. J. Carey. 31 Kaitoa, s.s.. 0 years Schooner 119! J. E. Stevens. Feb. 1 Squall, s.s., 12 years Schooner 145 16 Wool . . Stranded ; total loss L. B. Vasta. S Regulus, s.s., 9 years Schooner Stranded ; n o damage F. L. Viekerman. 232 19 General Mar. 1 John, s.s., .17 | years Kaitoa, s.s., 6 I y 7 ears Tarawera, s.s., I 24 years Schooner General Stranded ; n o damage Stranded : slight damage Trifling accident to machinery W. A. Smith. 134 13 2 .4: Schooner Schooner 119 1 269 16 68 16 68 13 General 50 General 13 50 General General damage Stranded : slight damage Trifling accident to machinery^ Motueka Harbour • .. Off Montara Island .. N.E. Light.. Grounded in channel and damaged propellerblades N.E. Light .. The L.P. valve-spindle broke. Temporary repairs were effected, and the vessel proceeded to port W. A. Wildman. D. Ritchie. I I . i , I .. __.