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TABLE K6.—Net Income from Endowments and Capitation, and Expenditure on Salaries and Incidental Expenses (exclusive of Lower Departments).


V tt 0J tt JJ t- ... o Secondary School. "3 H SB cos 2 ■§> J" ■°fe • o _ me |o H (2.) 2 EH s Cogco "a "III £ Sf ■" *> 2«a „ W t- rt u H (3.) la n ch " IS ttH a o g 3™ *.H oj S 8 £ Sf ■" fe 2«a „ R L. OS oj a o> oj H flrt £S 'm ft © eft g"S • III la (4.) I __, *> QJ CO fto SS-_ . g-c fe Ia o> . m J2 t*_ _> as a." «• o 3 „afi "<§_» Sis -If-s gs£ |BfiS < E-t _J 5 _-> < 6 -> to > rt M on M o 3 ' I I "3 fl j % o tt, H : H (7.) i (80 •rj . « 3 ,9 Sa; ■g<»w 5 H H'o o O 0> _) CIS a tt M u tt ■ OJ oj >- <_ ,,' v _ tt n, 0J S" > £ S <l (10.) i £ 1 g e* ■70 '+H r-l ~ OrH H j£tt _ a o « H (11.) j (12.) me |o H (3.) (9.) A. Endowed Scho red Schoc vis includ ols includt '«i in tl ftp. Ninth Schedult le to the. Eiiucatio; m ylc(, 1: •914. £ £ 122 1,667-75 940 15,533.5 22 1,891-75 241 2,536-0 337 2,605-0 95 1,850-0 1,820 3,264-5 1,271. 10,532-0 Whangarei High School .. 139 Auckland Grammar Sohools .. 1,236 Thames High School . . .. 150 New Plymouth High Schools .. 211 Napier High Schools .. .. 205 Gisborne High School . . . . 152 Wanganui Girls' College . . 177 Wellington Boys' and Girls' Col- 805 legos Marlborough High School . . 104 Nelson Colleges .. . . 380 Rangiora High School .. . . 84 Christchurch Girls' High School . . 333 Christohuroh Boys' 1 [igh School .. 212 Ashburton High School .. 120 Timaru High Schools . . . . 248 Waitaki High Schools .. . . 320 Otago High Schools . . ' . . 628 Southland High Schools . . 377 139 1 ,236 150 211 205 152 177 805 £ Nil Nil Nil Nil 459 1,237 Nil 2,238 £ Nil Nil Nil Nil 459 1,237 Nil 2,238 I £ Nil Nil Nil Nil 2-238 8-142 Nil 2-775 £ £ 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-5 I 11 -588 13-826 6-644 14-780 13-5 13-5 11-004 13-779 £ £ 1,392 197 11,888 1,068 1,229 180 3,133 471 i 2,897 415 i 1,824 287 2,763 375 9,403 1,264 £ 1,589 12,950 1,415 3,004 3,312 2,111 3,138 10,667 £ 1,545-75 14,593-5 1,869-75 2,295-0 2,268-0 1,7550 1,444-5 9,201-0 104 380 84 333 212 126 248 320 628 377 394 Nil 29 Nil 1,500 Nil Nil - Nil 175 898 394 Nil 29 Nil 1,500 Nil Nil - Nil 175 898 3-788 Nil 0-352 Nil 7-069 Nil Nil Nil 0-275 2-371 10-083 13-871 13-5 13-5 13-183 13-535 13-5 13-5 7-448 14-517 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-5 13-25 13-525 11-307 13-738 1,292 193 4,945 788 995 96 3,402 428 3,808 718 1,438 204 2,936 537 3,423 571 6,596 1,014 3,811 588 1,485 5,73.'! 1 ,091 3,830 4,520 1,042 3,473 3,994 7,610 4,399 1,269-0 3,975-75 918-0 4,252-5 2,281-5 1,417-5 2,707-5 3,098-25 7,027-5 4,590-0 31 1,300-0 1,170 5,145-75 105 1,023-0 174 4,420-5 369 2,650-5 56 1,473-5 2,707-5 770 3,868-25 337 7,964-5 124 4,714-0 Totals .. .. 5,893 5,893 6,936, 6,936, . . I 67,175 9,400 ' 76,575 ( 67,230-0 7,984 75,214-0 B. Secondary Schools est ■hools esli 'iiblislieil i in the n iianner p trovided I iy Section, 88 of the liihu •Mtion An Hamilton High Scliool .. 173 Palmerston North High School .. 251 Dannevirke High Scliool . . 113 Gore High Scliool .. . . 165 173 251 113 165 Nil 81 155 INil NilJ 0-321 1-371 Nil 13-5 13-213 12-267 13-5 13-5 13-534 13-038 13-5 1,952 , 292 2,244 2,912 324 3,230 1,319 121 1,440 1,680 389 2,009 2,187-0 2,909-25 1,350-0 1,930-5 .143 2,330-0 194 3,103-25 21 1,371-0 100 2,030-5 Totals .. . . 702 7,863 | 1,126 458 8,834-75 236 8,989 8,376-75 458 r. — ('. Endowed Scht >ols within n the meaning it, but not includt I above. the, A Wanganui Collegiate School ., I 218* Christ's College Grammar School 239* 5,090 i 822 5,515 | 1,407 5,918 I 0,922 3,661 3,661 4,728 : 4,728 Totals .. .. 457 110,611 2,229 12,840 j 8,389 8,389 Grand totals .. .. 7,052 7,172 j-ji-088 J12-816 $12-816 §13-904 85,649 12,755 98,404 75,606-75 10,831 92,437-75 ; i ; * Boll at 31st December, 1915. t Obtain paid in 1915 divided by average number of free 1 Schedule to the Act this column should not exci red by dividing 6,595 (tota,! n pupils for 1015. § 8r eed column (9). >11 less Wanganui and Christ's) into 7,17^. im of columns (4) and (5). || In accordai ; Total eapitation ice with the Tenth