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Table E.—Expenditure on Secondary Education for each Individual on the Roll of the Schools for the Years 1912, 1913, 1914, and 1915.

In the United States of America the cost per head of roll number of the common State schools, which include elementary and high schools, is approximately £6 4s. Bd., and in Ontario the cost per head of roll number of the elementary schools is approximately £5 9s. 9d.

Table F.—Progress in Education: A Comparison of the Number of Pupils under Instruction in the Several Branches of Education in the Years 1898, 1903, 1908, 1914, and 1915 respectively.

National Endowment. By the provisions of the Land Act, 1908, areas of land, not to exceed in the total 9,000,000 acres, are set apart as national endowments, and, after administration and other expenses allowed by law have been deducted, 70 per cent, of the balance is applied for the purposes of education. The sum thus applied amounted last year to £55,139, and was allocated as follows : Primary education, £41,417 ; physical training, £445; secondary education, £5,059; technical instruction, £2,390; training colleges, £2,224; higher education, £9,265; Native schools, £1,723; school for the deaf, £139; Home for Backward Children, £139; industrial schools, £2,057.

1912. 1913. 1914. I 1 1915. I £ s. Excluding reserves revenue and expenditure on new j 9 3 buildings Including reserves revenue and expenditure on new ! 14 2 buildings d. I £ s. d. £ s. 6 ; 10 6 10 10 18 8 16 5 4 16 15 d. £ 8 12 7 | 17 s. ! 3 ' 9 d. 2 9

1898. 1903. Actual Numbers. Number pel 1898. 1903. c 10,000 of Population. 1908. 1914. 1915. 1908. 1914. 1915. Population 783,317 875,648 1,008,378 1,140,172 1,164,745 I. Primary education (including public and Native sohools, all receiving free tuition) II. Industrial and special schools .. 136,652 136,546 148,180 | 178,621 184,288 1,744 j 1,551 1,467 1,567 1,582 I 732 731 6 6 III. Secondary eduoation (including secondary sohools, secondary departments of distriot high schools, technical high schools, and Maori secondary schools) IV. Continuation and techi.ijal education V. University education 3,046 5,818 7,742 10,428 11,266 , I 39 66 77 91 97 1 ,750* i 6,533*i j 13,051' 16,602 18,247 22 75 129 I 146 157 708 1,194 15,609 .1 i 1,711 ' 2,310 2,088 9 14 17 20 18 (Private schools not included above, principally primary) 14,857 18,367 I 21,613* 22,664* 190 177 2,004 1,883 182 189 195 Total under instruction 157,013 165,700 189,051 230,306 239,284 22,504 29,349 31,601 7,959 13,920 15,136 I id. 1 Approximate. 1,872 2,019 2,065 VI. Tptal under instruction higher than primary (III, IV, and V above) Number of latter (VI) reoeiving free tuition 5,504 13,545 70 ! 155 223 257 272 l,178t 4,260f ! 15 49 ■ ■ 79 122 130 * Estimatoi id.