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The Education Board junior and senior scholarships granted each year hitherto were not offered for competition in 1915-16, their places being taken by an increased number of National Scholarships, junior and senior, provided for by the Education Act, 1914. The Junior National Scholarship Examination, which has been in operation for some years, was, with slight modifications, retained for the new junior scholarships, while for the test for the senior scholarships the Public Service Entrance Examination papers were used, with an alternative programme intended to suit those candidates who have been taking courses with an agricultural or domestic bias. All eligible candidates from public or registered private schools who reached the respective standards of qualification fixed in accordance with the Act—63 per cent, for juniors and 65 per cent, for seniors—received National Scholarships from the Education Boards of their districts. In the case of junior scholarship candidates from one-teacher schools the standard of qualification was fixed at its lowest limit allowable by regulation-—viz., 10 per cent, below the ordinary standard. The first examination of pupil-teachers was this year discontinued, as the regulations now in force do not permit pupil-teachers in their second year to take a test of this character. The value of the services rendered by Inspectors of Schools in connection with the examination of papers and supervision of the annual examinations is estimated at upwards of £1,800. The cost of conducting the examinations was as follows :— Total expenses, including cost of additional clerical services temporarily £ employed, but omitting other salaries .. .. .. .. 5,267 Less recoveries— £ Fees paid by candidates for teachers' certificates and others .. 2,096 Paid by Public Service Commissioner for expense of conducting Public Service Examinations, for which in general no fees arc now payable'— Public Service Entrance .. .. .. .. 812 Public Service Senior .. .. .. .. 912 ■ — 3,820 Net expenditure .. .. .. £1,447 Public Libraries. Owing to the undue strain on the finances of the country in connection with the war, Parliament did not in 1915 vote an amount for distribution to public libraries. Teachers' Superannuation Fund. (See also E.-9.) The balance at the credit of the fund on the 31st December, 1915, was £340,582, an increase over that on the 31st December, 1914, of £37,882. The income for 1915 was £83,319, and the expenditure £45,438. During the year 428 members were admitted, while 253 left the fund, a net increase of 175. At the end of 1915,— The number of contributors was .. .. .. .. .. 4,444 Of whom members under Part IX of Education Act, 1908, numbered .. 86 And members admitted under sections 3 and 4 of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908 (universities), numbered . . .. .. .. .. .. 66 The annual rate of contribution paid as at the end of the year was .. £52,795 The number of allowances in force at the end of the year was .. .. 555 representing an annual charge of .. .. .. .. £39,000 viz.,— Ordinary retiring - allowances £ were .. .. .. 346, representing 31,845 Retiring - allowances in medically unfit cases .. 61, „ 4,803 Allowances to widows 83, „ 1,507 Allowances to children .. 65, „ 845 The amount held by the Public Trustee at the end of the year was .. £333,117