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In the above statement no account has been taken of special scholarships and prize funds. The balance at the end of the year, £30,390, consists of a balance on the Scholarships Account of £27,457, and a balance on the General Account of £2,933. The amount in hand for general purposes was therefore £2,933, the only liability of importance against which is an amount of £1,979 due to English examiners for the degree examinations of November, 1915. Affiliated Colleges. Reference to Table Ml in E.-7, Report on Higher Education, will show that there were 1,936 students actually in attendance at the four University colleges, a decrease of 198 as compared with the number for the previous year. Of these, 88 were graduates, 1,198 were under-graduates, and 650 were unmatriculated students. In addition to the matriculated students mentioned above, there were 103 students attached to the various University colleges, but exempt from lectures — that is, they were prevented by distance or by the necessity of earning their living from attending lectures at the college, but were allowed to keep terms, except in certain science and professional subjects, by passing the annual college examination. Table M2 in E.-7 shows the degree courses taken during the year 1915 by students attending lectures at the various University colleges, including the professional schools attached thereto. Of 1,153 students taking degree courses 566 were taking the arts course, 161 the law course, 154 the medical course, 93 the science course, 88 the commercial course, 33 the engineering course, 32 the home science course, 17 the mining engineering course, 8 the dentistry course, and 1 the agricultural course. Students, about fifty in number, at the Lincoln Agricultural College, are not included in these figures. The total staff of the four University colleges consisted in 1915 of forty-eight professors and eighty lecturers. The following table shows the staff of the several institutions :— Professors and Lecturers. Lecturers, Professors. Demonstrators, and Assistants. Auckland University College ... . ... ... ... 8 17 Victoria University College ... ... ... ... 10 14 Canterbury College ... ... ... ... ... 10 14 Otago University ... ... ... ... ... 20* 351 Totals ... ... ... ... ... 48 80 * Also one ISmeritus Professor. f Also the honorary staff of the Dunedin Hospital act as lecturers on Olinioal Medicine and Clinical Surgery. The average salary of full-time professors was £689 per annum. Finances of the Affiliated Institutions in 1915. Table M3 in E.-7 gives a summary of the receipts and expenditure of the University colleges, excluding special trust accounts and the accounts of non-univer-sity institutions under the control of a College Council, such as, for instance, the museum, public library, or school of art connected with Canterbury College, or the museum controlled by the Otago University. The total income was £83,723 and the total expenditure £74,121. Scholarships, Bursaries, etc. University scholarships may be divided into three broad classes : (1) Entrance scholarships, (2) scholarships awarded during the degree course, (3) post-graduate scholarships. (1.) University entrance scholarships are awarded annually on the results of the University Junior Scholarship Examination, and are as follow : University Junior, University National, and Taranaki Scholarships, in addition to some thirty or forty local and privately endowed scholarships awarded on the results of the same examination. Of the candidates for the Entrance Scholarship Examination in 1915, ten gained Junior Scholarships, twenty gained National Scholarships, three gained Taranaki Scholarships, forty-seven passed " with credit," and forty qualified for Matriculation. In addition, to the scholarships, and partly in connection therewith, a scheme of bursaries entitling students to free tuition is also in operation, as set out in detail below.