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LOCOMOTIVE. Mr. H. H. Jackson, Chief Mechanical Engineer, reports as follows :— The engines, rolling-stock, plant, machinery, and appliances have been maintained in thoroughly efficient working-order, details of the work done being as follows :— Tjocomotives. —On the Ist April, 1915, there were 557 engines in service, and on the 31st March, 1916, there were 585 engines. Eight second-hand tank engines were sold and written off. Thirty-six new engines were added to stock. Of the new engines added to stock fourteen were built in the Government railway workshops and comprised four " Pacific type " simple superheated tender engines, Class Ab, and ten 4-6-4 (" Baltic type ") heavy tank engines, Class Ww ; twelve 4-8-0 simple superheated heavy tender engines, Class Bb, were completed under contract with Messrs. A. and G. Price (Limited), of Thames, and ten 4-6-2 (" Pacific type ") simple superheated tender engines were imported from the Baldwin Locomotive Works in America. In the Government railway workshops to date 155 engines have been built, and twenty-four old locomotives have been rebuilt to modern designs. Seven hundred and forty-one locomotives passed through the workshops during the year, the details of work done being as follows : —

Included in above are six engines for private lines and one engine for the Public Works Department. At the close of the year there were under construction in the railway workshops thirty-six engines, consisting of sixteen " Pacific type " simple superheated tender engines, Class Ab, and twenty heavy tank engines, 4-6-4 type, Class Ww. Under contract with Messrs. A. and G. Price (Limited), oi Thames, there were sixteen 4-8-0 type simple superheated tender engines to complete. An order for an additional ten of these engines was placed during the year with this firm, thus increasing the contract from twenty to thirty engines. Thus at the end of the year there were altogether in hand fifty-two locomotive engines. The new locomotives added, together with boiler renewals, increased the total tractive power by 674,6291b., or equal to 9'30 per cent. The new engines being built and the boilers under construction will, when completed, still further materially increase the tractive power. Boilers. —The work on new boilers, renewals, and repairs has been kept well up to date. Twenty-three new locomotive boilers were constructed. The following statement shows details of the boiler-work done :—

Thirty-five new boilers were under construction at close of year, and comprised thirteen Class Ab, two Class F, and twenty Class Ww. Carriages. —The stock on the Ist April, 1915, consisted of 1,397 cars, and on the 31st Mai-ch, 1916, the number was 1,452 cars. Two cars were sold to the Public Works Department and written off. Fifty-six new bogie cars were built, and one petrol rail-motor-car was added to stock.

Number and Type. Particulars. Fourcylinder "Balanced- Tender i Tank compound" Engines. Engines. Tender Engines. Fairlies * '' Total. Pell Engines. Single. Double. lumber passed through shops iuilt new Irected ... ie-erected 'horoughly overhauled leavy repairs light repairs 'ainted ... 'aint touched up ... 85 12 29 44 82 26 234 4 10 37 53 130 59 91 401 10 15 40 91 245 56 44 5 5 15 1 741 14 10 15 1 ... 90 9 1 188 5 ... 424 3 ... 154 4 ... 165 15 1 9 5 8 4 1 1 4

Description. aJOQ ■i i II ID a '3 « 6 03 a '3 pq i I ■ S W3 & 1 « £ r s CD U I P5 ► w I CO a '3 Ol P5 H J3 ao 3 m a XI 3 EH . 'ST ig* T3 cfi 0) j-j III EH CO o X o © E M O . •° £ «S S3 03 ■C o 4* a. OQ M _C3 '3 CQ Boilers I ... | 370 23 126 ' 221 81 36 9 11 I 121 i J