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The Lands Settlement Finance Act, 1909 ... it rr * • ■ The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 The Maori Land Settlement Act. 1905 tt n ■ • ' * ■ ■ ; The Maori Land Settlement Act Amendment Act, 1907 The Mining Amendment Act, 1913 ... ... The Native Land Purchase Act, 1892 The Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 The New Zealand Consols Act, 1908 " it a • •. The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909,— Advances to Settlers Branch Advances to Workers Branch Guaranteed Mining Advances Branch Lands for Settlement Branch ... tt a • • • • • • Local Authorities Branch Native Land Settlement Branch " I 5 5 5 5 5 31 31 31 4" 3* 3fr 4 4 Si 4 4 34 31 3i 31 3i 3i 31 3i 3* 3| 31 31 31 3f 4 4 31 31 Si 1931 1933 1934 1935 1936 Jan., 1916 Mar., „' 1918 June. „ Sept., 191 Mar., 1920 Jan.. 1918 ," 1921 May, 1919 „ * 1920 Oct., 1917 April, 1919 „ 1920 Feb., 1925 Oct.. 1948 April, 1949 Oct.. 1948 April, 1949 Oct., 1948 April, 1949 1947 Oct.. „ April, 1948 Oct., „ April, 1949 "„ . 1918 „ 1949 Oct., 1947 „ 1948 April, 1949 785,000 370,000 416,000 \ 50,000 231,500 ; 250,000 25,650 50,000 7,000 1,000 125,000 98,500 50.000 340 400 100,000 37,000 325,000 100,000 5,000 25,000 410,000 400,000 475,000 212,000 400,000 275, 000 96,000 48,000 9,000 20,000 361, 600 54,500 j 4,331 60,117 800 1,000 11,094 11,280 ... 3,000 13,500 1,700 12,850 21,146 9,500 3,000 . 9,000 5,000* 25,000* 15,800* 800* soot 60,000 I 4,331 61,817 13,650 22,146 20,594 790,000 395,000 416,000 50,000 250,300 250,000 25,650 800 50,000 7,000 1,000 125,000 98,500 50,000 3,340 34,680 1U0.O00 37,000 325,000 100,000 5,000 25.000 470,000 400,000 475,000 212,000 400,000 275,000 96,000^ 48,000 9,000 20.000 361,600 54.500 * Held on account of New Zealand Consc * Held on account of New Zealand Consols. iois. f Nelson Rifle f Nelson Rifle Prize Fund. ,e Prize Fund. I Waihou and Ohinemuri River s Improvements Account. J Wi faihou a and Ohim iemu jri River r s In nprovements At Lccount.