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4. Each recommendation has to be considered with reference to the general standard observed in connection with awards of the medal, and unless sufficient particulars are available it is impossible to judge satisfactorily of the merits of the cases submitted or to compare them with previous cases of the kind. I have, &c, L. HAECOUET. Governor His Excellency the Eight Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, K.C.M.G., M.V.0., &c.

No. 8. New Zealand, No. 100. My Lord, — Downing Street, 27th February, 1914. I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, to be laid before your Ministers, copies of a Bill entitled the Importation of Plumage (Prohibition) Act, 1914, which is being introduced into the Flouse of Commons by His Majesty's Government. It will be seen that this Bill differs in certain particulars from last year's Bill enclosed in my despatch, No. 301, of the Bth August, 1913. 2. Your Ministers are doubtless aware that the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, by a Proclamation dated 10th May, 1913, prohibit the importation of the plumage and skins of certain birds specified in the schedule to the Proclamation, except for educational or scientific purposes; and also that the following provision appears in item 347 of Schedule A of the recent United States Customs Tariff Act: " That the importation of aigrettes, egret-plumes, or so-called osprey plumes, and the feathers, quills, heads, wings, tails, skins, or parts of skins, of wild birds, either raw or manufactured, and not for scientific or educational purposes, is hereby prohibited; but this provision shall not apply to the feathers or plumes of ostriches, or to the feathers or plumes of domestic fowls of any kind." 3. I should be glad if your Ministers would consider the question of introducing similar legislation to prohibit the importation of plumage, without waiting for the proposed International Conference on the subject, to which reference was made in my despatch, No. 443, of the 7th November last. I have, &c, L. HAECOUET. Governor His Excellency the Eight Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, K.C.M.G., M.V.0., &c.

A.-l, 1915 No. 10.

Enclosure. Importation of Plumage (Prohibition) Bill. A Bill to prohibit the Importation of the Plumage and Skins of Wild Birds, and for other Purposes incidental thereto. Be it enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and -by the authority of the same, as follows : — 1. (1.) Subject to the exemptions in this Act contained, a person shall not import into the United Kingdom the plumage of any wild bird, and accordingly section forty-two of the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, shall be read as if there were included in the table of prohibitions and restrictions therein — " The plumage of wild birds as defined by the importation of Plumage (Prohibition) Act, 1914, subject to the exceptions contained in that Act." (2.) A person shall not have in his possession or be concerned in selling the plumage of any wild bird which has been imported in contravention of this Act, or which, having been allowed to be imported on the ground that it is being put to a certain use or intended to be put to a certain use, is being put to some other use; and if any person has in his possession or is concerned in selling any such plumage he shall be liable on conviction under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts to a fine not exceeding five pounds in respect of the first offence and twenty-five pounds in