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Department of Lands and Survey.—Ranger's Report on Land in Poverty Bay District as on the 22nd December, 1902.

R. S. McKerrow, Crown Lands Ranger.

Whakaangiangi Lease — De Lautour. Dear Sir, — Gisborne, 19th January, 1903. When recently in Wellington you were good enough to inform me the question of the surrender of this lease had been referred to the Hon. Mr. Carroll. The matter was again before the Board at Gisborne about two days ago, when the Ranger's report was received and approved, but it appeared that nothing further could be done in the absence of instructions from Wellington. I should be glad if the matter could be advanced, as further improvements are stopped in the meantime. I have, &c, The Secretary of Crown Lands, Wellington, 0. A. de Lautour. Dear Sir, — Gisborne, 27th January, 1903. I have had an opportunity of seeing my son and talking over with him the position of the cape. Some time ago I applied to the Waste Lands Board to allow me to surrender the Native lease over the portion of 1,164 acres which now belonged to the Crown, the land to be valued for improvements, and to be offered under the Land Act loaded with improvements for twenty-one years, occupation license, with right of purchase after ten years. The grounds for application were that the Crown had bought over the tenant's head by mistake, and had only paid a nominal sum as for unimpioved Native land. The Board ceded what was asked, but the matter had to go thiough the ordinary channels at Wellington. I was told that there was no objection, but that the papers had been referred to the district member, who had not returned them. Since then the improvements have been valued at £2,174, which valuation I have agreed to, and the Board has approved. I hope the matter will be advanced shortly. I mention this because if you advance us to pay off the bank you will be almost immediately asked to consent, as mortgagee, to the surrender. Your security in the interval would be the valuation-money, which must be paid by any one else who competed successfully at the ballotbox for the section and the balance of the leasehold. In fact, with the loading put on it is net likely that any one will interfere. The price of the fee-simple is fixed at £1 ss. per acre. We tried to get it down to £1, but the Ranger adhered to his value and the Board had to support it. This will place the rental at Is, 3d., which is what we are now paying. I should like to borrow £2,000 —£1,000 to pay off the bank and the balance to improve 500 acres, the balance of the principal blocks. If you could lend this money it would perhaps be better to allow me first to effect the exchange of the title to the Crown lease. The bank will not, I think, put any difficulty in the way. You will see that our position with a good twenty-one years Crown lease with full right to improvements will be much better than it was with the balance of twelve years of old Native lease. My son is now carrying 4,500 sheep and lambs and about 100 head of cattle. He thinks the cattle should be strengthened and the sheep be still allowed to increase. I would have been glad if he could have gone down to see you, but he has so much to do owing to the bush fired having damaged fences and made it necessary to hold the fern that he would only give me one day. I have, &c, John Duncan, Esq., Wanganui. C. A. de Lautour.


How far complied with. 1 ! s -s S $ or S3 B s eg ftJ._ft.LftOther Improvemi )nts. Name of Selector. Tenure. District. Area and Class. Annual Rent. Date when Residence commenced or Non-resident, a o to 05 M 6 n Naturo or Extent. Value. C. A. do Lautour Miso. lease! 18 Mangaporo A. B. P. 1,153 0 0 £ s. d. 72 16 0 707 £ 707 40s. 1,414 760 40s. Dwollinghouso Outbuildings .. 375 chains fencing Yards and concrete dip Orchard £ 225 100 375 Son resides. 40 20 2,174 760