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No. I. The Secretary of State to the Governor of New Zealand. (Sent 7.15 p.m., 6th August, 1914.) Telegram. [Answered by No. 2.] If your Ministers desire and feel themselves able to seize German wireless station at Samoa we should feel that this was a great and urgent Imperial service. Yon will realize, however, that any territory now occupied must at the conclusion of the war be at the disposal of Imperial Government for purposes of an ultimate settlement. Other dominions are acting on the same understanding in a similar way, and, in particular, Commonwealth is being consulted as to wireless stations at New Guinea, Yap, Marshnll Islands, and Nauru or Pleasant Island. —Harcourt.

No. 2. The Governor of New Zealand to the Secretary of State (Received 12.38 p.m., 7th August, 1914.) Telegram. Your telegram 6th. August [No. 1]: My Government agree to seizure of Samoa. In view of possibility of presence of German cruiser, please telegraph at once what escort can be provided, and when.— Liverpool.

No. 3. The Governor of New Zealand to the Secretary of State. (Received 11.31 a.m., Bth August, 1914.) Telegram. [Answered by No. 4.] I am desired by my Government to inform you that, provided that escort can be furnished, arrangements have now been made to despatch to Samoa an Expeditionary Force on Tuesday, 11th August. I have to ask for an immediate reply.—Liverpool.

No. 4. The Secretary of State to the Governor of New Zealand. (Sent 7.45 p.m., Bth August, 1914.) Telegram. Your telegram Bth August [No. 3]: Admiralty see no objection to departure expedition to Samoa about 11th instant when ready, provided latest local information at disposal Senior Naval Officer, New Zealand, does not render departure inexpedient, and provided he has been consulted and concurs in naval arrangements. They consider that, if guns available and time permits, transports may with advantage be lightly armed. Escort of one cruiser at least will be detailed. Instructions will be sent to Senior Naval Officer accordingly. Please inform me of composition and strength Force and sea transport . —Harcourt .

No. 5. The Governor of New Zealand to the Secretary of State. (Received 10.45 a.m., 9th August, 1914.) Telegram. 9th August. Your telegram of Bth August [No. 4] : One battalion of Infantry, one company Engineers, two 15-pounders, two 6-pounders, with Signal, Medical, and Army Service Corps details ; two transports : total Force, 1,383.— Liverpool.

No. 6. The Secretary of State to the Governor of New Zealand. (Sent 6.35 p.m., 18th August, 1914.) Telegram. In connection with expedition against Samoa, British flag should be hoisted in all territories successfully occupied by His Majesty's Forces, and suitable arrangements made for temporary administration ; but iio Proclamation formally annexing any such territory should be made without previous communication with His Majesty's Government. —-Harcourt.