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Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

g © Number of Nature of i Number Wind. Ca». VeSS andraa8 e 6 : Age ' Big. IaL CasSSS SSSSed. i Finding of Court of Inquiry. j Name of Master. t ® o £ gSl Cargo. Casualty. | lost. j Force. — < j 1914 ! ; ' Nov. 12 Rosetta, 21 years,! Schooner ; 9 3 j .. Fish .. Stranded; .. j Caroline Bay, Ruapuke W. Gale .. j Vessel was at anchor when the cable parted W.B.Bailey, aux. ] j j total loss ; Island and she drifted ashore „ 17 R a k i u r a, 36 j Schooner | 819 .. ! Coal .. Leaky boiler ; j Puponga Harbour .. ; S.W. Light .. j When preparing for sea the boiler was found H. A. Anderson years j slight damage 1 1 j to be leaking. Temporary repairs were | | [ ; i I effected and the vessel proceeded „ 18 Warrimoo, 22 Schooner 2,076 80 j 176 j General Stranded; no .. i Blufi Harbour .. W.S.W. Gale .. ! When being swung from wharf the hawser P. W. Macbeth, years j i damage j I j parted and the vessel grounded on a sand- ! ! j | j I : bank. She was towed off when the gale moderated „ 22 Kakiura, 36 : Schooner 81 9 .. Ballast.. Struck buoy .. Wellington Heads .. , N.W. Strong When entering Wellington Heads vessel struck H.A.Anderson years * and stripped buoy off Steeple Rocks. Accident due to propeller searchlight from Seatoun dazzling captain's sight „ 26 Taviuni, s.3., 24 Schooner 974 32 .. General Damage to .. Bay of Plenty .. W. Fresh .. j A split iron nut fell into the casings and J. Morrison. years machinery, £20 t worked in on top of one of the pistons „ 28 Kahu, s.s., 29 Schooner 99 .. .. i General Loss of life .. 3 Te Awaite .. .. .. .. j When bringing bales of wool from store the E. J. Grey, years surf-boat was swamped by a big sea, and W. L. Leers, mate, D. Matheson, A.B., and , P. O'Brien, A.B., were drowned. Coroner's verdict: " Accidentally drowned " Dec., 8 Clyde, p.s., 14 .. 80 6 General Stranded; slight .. Upper Landing, Bal- S.W. Gale .. j The vessel sank at her moorings alongside J.Butler. years damage clutha the bank of the river, probably through bumping and starting a plate „ 11 Kauri, s.s., 9 [ Schooner 1,825 32 .. Ballast ! Fire; no dam- .. Wellington Harbour.. .. .. The coal in the port bunker was found to be H. S. Whyburn years j age to ship on fire, and is supposed to have been caused by spontaneous combustion „ 16 Katie S., 6 years j Ketch .. 20 3 .. .. Collision; dam- . The casualty was caused by the second mate, X. Matheson. age, £160 Neil McArthur, who was in charge of the ) "Wakatere," misjudging the distance and j at t> t- in a T . ,, position of the "KatieS.," and subsequently v. ■■ NearPonuiLjghthouse, S.W. Light J committing breaches of the regulations for f aura u preventing collisions at sea. He was I „ 16 Wakatere, s.s., Schooner 32 40 .. General No damage .. j ordered to pay £10 10s. towards cost of ) W. Sullivan. 18 years M inquiry ,5 21 Hina, s.s., 53 Cutter.. 39 7 1 General Stranded; slight .. Alongside Terakohe .. .. When coming alongside wharf, the engineer A.S.Gibson. years damage Wharf put the engines ahead instead of astern as 1915. telegraphed, and the vessel ran ashore Jan. 6 Kaiaia, o.e.v., Ketch.. 24 3 .. Timber Stranded; dam- .. Whakatane Bar .. .. Calm .. When towing in a narrow part of the channel J. McLennan, aux., 5 years age, £40 I the tide carried the vessel against a rock. and she filled and sank Feb. 1 Waikana, s.s., 5 Yacht .. 67 5 .. .. Fire; damage, .. Portobello Wharf, S.W. Moderate Whilst lying at the wharf the vessel was dis- D. Hanning. years £150 Otago Harbour covered to be on fire. It is surmised that a lighted match may have been accidentally dropped amongst the lifebelts by some perse n smoking. ,, 4 Eurasia, 30 Ship .. 1,242 .. .. Ballast.. Stranded; no .. j Thames Estuary, Auck- W. F.B. .. The ship left Auckland for Monte Video in j F. Olivari. years (Italian) damage I land ; ballast, but owing, it is said, to faulty compasses, she headed up the Firth of Thames I and grounded there, being subsequently j towed off.