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Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.


| g o Number of I Nature ol If umber j * Wind. Date of Vessel's Name, Age, Ri „ ! .2 2 j j of ' Place where Casualt; j rv,,,rf t,,,.,,;..,, xt , „ , Casualty. I and Class. ■' a -J _ [ j Lives occurred. j ! Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. ! g gers Cargo. Casualty. lost. Direction. Force. _ j . . . . . 1914. June 27 : Oban, 17 years Schooner 24 3 I .. Coal .. | Fire ; m a i n- .. Nydia Bay .. .. .. Galley caught on fire and mainsail above G. Lang. sail burnt galley was burnt and boom charred and boom charred -Julv 17 I Tarawera, s.s., Schooner j 1,269 63 j .. j Fire; trifling j .. Queen's Wharf, Auck- .. .. Fire in saloon was caused by the action of one H. W. Parsons. 32 years I ! ' damage j land of two stewards who came on board, unknown to the officers, under the influence of liquor and went to sleep in one of the staterooms ,, 19 Kawau, s.s., 23 Schooner 37 3 4 .. Accident to .. Auckland Harbour .. S.W. Light .. i Valve-spindle of the crosshead broke .. J. Sullivan, years machinery; | trifling ,, 28 Kestrel, s.s., 9 Ferry- 159 4 j 220 .. Collision with .. Queen Street Wharf, S.E. Light .. | The " Kestrel" collided with a mooring-punt C.Daniel. years boat I | j punt; trifl- Auckland I in a dense fog ing damage | Aug. 2 Kotare, s.s., 10 Ketch.. 10 10 .. General Stranded: .. Catlin's River .. ; S.W. Strong.. 1 When entering the river the vessel was caught H. .T. Treurn. years : trifling acci- by the tide and wind and grounded on a dent , | sandbank, being refloated next day „ 2 i Tahu, o.e.v., 5 [ Launch j 4 2 | 11 .. ! Collision; ( The "Mistletoe" was entirely to blame for j Rikirangi Paul years | I ] I age £30 ! _ Off O r a k e i Wharf iwsw Moderate- the collision in attempting to cross ahead of ! Tuinga. „ 2 | Mistletoe, aux, Cutter.. 4 1 .. Fish .. Collision ; dam- j1 , ,, , w .l-,..,,. 1 the " Tahu," and her master was ordered j A. M. Bishop. 14 years j , j age £15 ) I (to pay £5 towards the cost of the inquiry ' 3 Wanaka, s.s., 27 Schooner 1,572 29 .. General Fire; no dam- .. 18 miles N.E. of Cape ! N.W. Moderate Fire occurred amongst some bundles of J. Flvnn. years j j I age to ship Palliser pressed hay in No. 2 hold, and was extinguished with some difficulty, the cargo being damaged to extent of £1,900 ,, 7 Joseph Craig, 36 Barque [ 694 17 .. j Timber Stranded; total j .. Hokianga Heads .. j S. Moderate When crossing the Hokianga Bar in tow of G. W. Airly, years j | j j loss j the" Ohinemuri" a squall struck the vessel, the towline parted, and the vessel drifted ashore. The Court found that the master committed an error of judgment in attempting to return to port instead of dropping his anchors, and he was ordered to pay the costs of the inquiry, £32 5s. 6d. ,, 9 May Howard .. Auxiliary 55 5 .. General Damaged! .. OfE Hokianga Bar .. N.W. Gale .. The wind suddenly changed from S.W. to F. G. Kemp. schooner j rigging, £15 j N.W. causing the main boom to break and carrying away part of the head-gear ,, 18 Flora, s.s. .. Schooner 818 28 .. General Collision with .. Dunedin .. .. N.E. Gale .. When hauling away from the wharf, a heavy F. W. Baron. wharf; trifl- j j squall caused her to bump against a pile ing damage j ; and slightly damaged a plate „ 31 Dandy, 13 years Schooner 82 6 j General Stranded; dam- i .. Waipapa, Bay of Is- S.W. Light .. When discharging cargo the vessel grounded J. Silveria. age, £75 j lands on a sunken log and carried away the deadwood Sept. 8 Kaipara, s.s. .. .. not 2 j .. Crown of fur- j .. Omana, Kaipara .. .. .. Crown of furnace came down through insuffi- H. Lowther. regis. nace collapsed, eiency of water in boiler damage, £300 | „ 10 Kawau, s.s. .. Schooner 4 4 9 .. Stranded ; trifl- .. Reef near Kohimarama .. Calm .. Vessel struck reef in a fog at low water, but A. Beehre. ing damage j Wharf, Auckland j floated off on the rising tide Harbour