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List of Climbs on Southern Alps, Season 1914-15 — continued.

During the year four attempts were made to climb Mount Cook from the Hooker side, but, owing to weather and bad conditions, all ended in failure. Seven ascents, including four traverses, were made of Mount Annette (7,351 ft.) by the Sebastopol Ridge from the Mueller Hut; five ascents of the Hochstetter Dome (9,258 ft.), four crossings of the Ball Pass, one ascent of Harper's Saddle, six ascents and ten crossings of the Copland, and five crossings of Graham's Saddle were also made ; and excursions to the Tasman, Hooker, Mueller, Stocking Glaciers, Sebastopol, Sef ton Bivouac, and other interesting view-points were well patronized. Te Anau-Milford Track. The returns from the track have again been unsatisfactory, realizing only £786, against £1,207. This is the more disappointing from the fact that every effort has been made to put the track in firstrate order before the season opened, and a considerable expenditure incurred in so doing. The grass and scrub has been cleared off the track from end to end during the season, suspension bridge over the Arthur River replaced, culverts renewed and repaired through the whole length. An Evinrude engine was placed in the boat on Lake Ada and proved a great convenience. One has also been ordered for the boat on the Clinton River at Glade House, and will be available for trips up the Worsley Arm — one of the finest arms of Lake Te Anau. Many improvements have also been made at the huts, which are now in a very fine state of order. The steamer on the lake has had several improvements effected, and the wharves at Te Anau and the head of the lake have been put in a proper state of repair. Track—Milford to Wakatipu. A considerable amount of work has been done during the season to open up the Grave-Talbot Track from the head of Lake. Wakatipu by the Hollyford and Routeburn Valleys to Milford Sound. A party of four men, under an ex Mount Cook guide, was engaged for some months on the work, and has made very considerable progress in opening up what will eventually be one of the most popular round trips in New Zealand. Agencies and Passenger Bookings. With the decrease in business generally, the commission derived from this branch of business has fallen from £1,962 to £1,498. The total value of tours issued from the different agencies amounted to £37,878, compared with £44,251 last year. Sydney and Melbourne Agencies. The total bookings at Sydney were £2,421, compared with £3,015 for 1913-14 ; and Melbourno, £2,154, against £2,490. The commissions on booking business were —Sydney, £92 ; Melbourne, £76. The expenditure in Sydne} r was £800, and Melbourne £870, made up as follows : — Sydnoy. Melbourne. £ ' £ Rent .. .. .. .. .. .. ..372 300 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. ..358 435 Miscellaneous .. .. .. • .. .. 70 135 The reports of the Melbourne and Sydney Agents are attached, and from them will be seen the varied work performed by them. They have been availed of by many Departments of State, and have invariably carried out their duties with the utmost satisfaction.

Date. .Name of Teaks, Height. Climbed by Namo of Guidos. Remarks. 'ebruary 16 Mount Sealey Ft. 7,350 F. Wright and Mr. Robertson F. Williams Mrs. J. Thomson '.. S. Turner, F.R.G.S. Without guide. 19 19 24 Mount Malte Brun 10,421 10,421 F. Milne. C. Kain. Mount Sealey First single ascent without guide. 25 Mounts Rosa, Mabel, Kin - sey, and Wakefield Mount Sealey F. Williams F. Milne. 27 8,651 Miss Theomin, Miss D. Chambers, and Mrs. P. Graham H. Chambers and Miss B. Holdsworih. S. Turner, F.R.G.S. P. Graham. 27 28 Mount Montgomery 7,654 C. Kain First ascent and traverse larch 1 Mount Spenco Glacier Dome 7,864 8,047 Miss Chambers, Miss Holdsworth, and Mrs. Graham Ditto .. Mrs. J. Thomson P. Graham. „ 3| 4 8 18 1 9 Mount Rosa Mount Kinsey Proud Peak Mount Blackburn Mount McKerrow Edith Peak Lane Nun's Veil 7,098 6,651. 7,540 7.835 8,072 7,800 8,000 8,975 Without guide. C. Kain. P. Graham. C. Kain First asoent S. Turner, F.R.G.S. Mrs. J. Thomson 27 | BO