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Schedule showing Financial Position at each Resort.

Note. —No allowance is made in these figures for iaterest on capital expenditure or for depreciation of plant or buildings. The expenditure during the year amounted to £49,823, against £48,4-62 for the previous year, an increase of £1,361. Following is a brief summary of the work carried out at each resort during the year, viz. : — Helensville. Considerable improvements have b'jen made at this resort. A n-w b:ith-building his besn erected with sixteen baths in accordance with the scheme recommended by the Government Bihv.o'.orist. The bowling, tennis, and croquet lawns have also been brought into first-class condition. The work has been carried out by the local Domain Board. Rotorua Sanatorium and Baths. The revenue derived from the sanatorium and baths during the year was £5,103, compared with £5,505 for the previous year, a decrease of £402, caused without doubt by the failure of overseas traffic, as the local traffic appeared hardly to be affected. Various improvements set out in the Balneologist's report have been made during the year, though naturally the full programme of projected additions and i mprovements has been curtailed or postponed. Rotorua Water-supply, Electric Light, and Power Systems. The receipts from the supply of electric energy to the town amounted to £3,418, against £3,237 for the former year, an increase of £171. Sixty-two new consumers were added during the year, bringing the total number of consumers to 550. The additional consumers, together with those who have added extra lights, make a total number of lights added during the year of 445. The energy distributed to consumers during the year totals 242,397 units, being an increase of 50,737 units on the previous total. That the plant at Okere Generating-station has been able to meet the increased demand is largely due to the additional meters installed, which have been effective in checking unnecessary consumption. The total numbers of units generated at Okere and distributed from the substation at Rotorua were 345,333 and 302,636 respectively. The Engineer's cottage at Okere, to replace the one destroyed by fire, has been completed, and is now occupied by the senior Shift Engineer. The distribution-mains have been extended in the suburban area to provide for new consumers. At the main baths a motor-generator set has been installed in connection with the high-frequency apparatus, which eliminates the time and labour necessary in the past to charge the accumulators. A new ironing-machine electrically driven was imported for the laundry. It has been installed, and is working satisfactorily. A motor for the mineral-water pump was also installed, ani has enabled a uniform pressure to be maintained. Rotorua Gardens and Reserves. The gardens attached to the sanatorium grounds have been carefully attended to during the year, and, although the continual dry weather experienced during a portion of the year has been a deterring factor, the gardens and playing-grounds have been throughout in a generally satisfactory condition. The courts have been so fully occupied throughout the playing season that it has been found quite impossible to give any of them a much deserved rest, and arrangements have therefore been made for breaking in a large additional area behind the main building, which will provide an ideal playing-spot and relieve the congestion which at times has resulted. The newly installed kitchen-garden has proved a great success—not only has the sanatorium been kept fully provided, but a large amount of vegetables, &c, has been sent to the hostelry at Waitomo Caves, resulting in considerable economy. Good work has also been done in clearing the Hamurana Reserve and the tracks along the river-bank, greatly to the appreciation of visiting anglers.


Year 19:3-1.4. Year 19I4-I5. Resort. £ 3 ! g w fc. m 03 H O i o »,s H MB p H S W t« CO 3 »« ft 0> U ° S^ *s s U I" S , T EC rig ft 'S I 00 p.. ■f-H O I Te Aroha Rotorua .. Rotorua Acclimatization District Waitomo Caves Hanmer Springs Hermitage, Mount Cook Te Anau and Manapouri steamers, Glade House and Milford Track £ 1,339 14,928 1,261 3,775 2,088 2,853 1,207 £ 2,574 19,253 645 2,408 3,929 2,928 2,387 £ 1,235 4,325 1 .841 75 1.180 616 1,367 £ £ 1,317 13,580 851 3,503 1,574 3,015 786 £ 2,572 19,461 369 3,056 4,072 3,220 1,962 £ 5,881 £ 1,255 482 447 2,498 205 1,176 Queenstown 81 515 434 123 587 461