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reduction for their coast stations or having a much higher rate than would be charged in Australia. We wish to suggest that the present arrangements be continued until the 1 st November, so that in the meantime some definite decision can be mutually arrived at between your Departnient, the New Zealand Department, and this company." 2. In view of that notification, and as intimated in my cablegram of yesterday [not printed], it has been decided to allow the present rates to continue until the Ist November next, before which time it is hoped that a decision will be arrived at whereby the reduced rates will apply t.o all boats licensed by Australia and New Zealand when communicating with Australian stations, irrespective of the route on which any particular vessel might be employed. I have, &c, Justinian Oxenham, Secretary. The Acting-Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington.

No. 125. The. Acting-Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Secretary, Postmaster-General's Department, Melbourne. Sir, — General Post Office, Wellington, 21st September, 1914. With reference to your letter of the Ist instant regarding the reduction of wireless-telegraph rates, I have the honour to inform you that this Department offers no objection to radio communications being made at reduced rates from ship stations licensed by this Dominion when working with Australian land stations, irrespective of the vessel's route. The reduced wireless rates in force in this Dominion apply to vessels licensed by the Commonwealth as well as this Dominion so long as the conditions are complied with—viz., the vessels must trade exclusively between the Commonwealth of Australia and the Dominion of New Zealand, or between ports on the Dominion coast. The scope of this Department's reduced wireless rates was agreed upon between this Department and the Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Limited, as a means of ascertaining whether similar reductions to vessels trading on other routes could be made when considered desirable. Further, this Department is of opinion that at present it would not be justified in departing from its agreement with the Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Limited. It is hoped, however, that this will not affect the Commonwealth's reduced rates being applied to vessels licensed by this Dominion engaged in the intercolonial trade. I have, &c, F. V. Waters, Acting-Secretary. The Secretary, Postmaster-General's Department, Melbourne. '

No. 126. The Acting-Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to Chief Postmasters and S uperintendents . (Telegram.) Wellington, 21st September, 1914. The charge for transmission of radio-telegrams to or from ships trading exclusively between ports von coast of Dominion, while such ships are voyaging between ports of Wellington and Lyttelton, from or to any telegraph-office in Dominion is now 2-Jd. (twopence half-penny) per word, with a minimum charge of Is. 3d., equal to message of six words. [Amalgamated Wireless, Limited, informed of date of introduction — 21st September —on sth November, 1914.]

No. 127. The Acting Assistant Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Limited, Sydney. Gentlemen, — General Post Office, Wellington, Ist October, 1914. In reference to your letter of the 29th August last, regarding the reduction of wirelesstelegraph rates, I have the honour to inform you that this Department offers no objection to radio communications being made at reduced rates from ship stations licensed by this Dominion when working with Australian land stations, irrespective of the vessel's route. The reduced wireless rates in force in this Dominion apply to vessels licensed by the Commonwealth as well as this Dominion so long as the conditions are complied with—viz., the vessels must trade exclusively between the Commonwealth of Australia and the Dominion of New Zealand, or between ports on the Dominion coast. The scope of this Department's reduced wireless rates was agreed upon between this Department and yourselves as a means of ascertaining whether similar reductions to vessels trading on other routes could be made when considered desirable. Further, this Department is of opinion that at present it would not be justified in departing from its agreement with you. It is hoped, however, that this will not affect the Commonwealth's reduced rates being applied to vessels licensed by this Dominion engaged in the intercolonial trade. This Department has informed the Postmaster-General's Department of the Commonwealth in the above terms. I have, &c, J. C. Williamson, Acting Assistant Secretary. The Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Limited, Wireless House, 97 Clarence Street, Sydney. [P. & T. 71/120.]