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No. 18. The Superintendent, Pacific Cable Board, Auckland, to the Acting-Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Auckland, 14th September, 1914. There will be no alteration in charges pending result of correspondence between the Manager in the Pacific and the Eastern Extension Company.

No. 19. The Superintendent, Pacific Cable Board, Auckland, to the Acting-Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Auckland, 14th September, 1914. Eastern advise agreeable accept via Pacific and Eastern with 3d. per word debit for Pacific transit Auckland to Sydney. Please cancel my service 11th commencing "Ask New Zealand Government for present to only circulate," &c.

TERMINAL RATES AMD REDUCTION OF RATES. No. 20. The High Commissioner to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. Westminster Chambers, 13 Victoria Street, London S.W., Sir— 4th May, 1914. In continuation|of my letter of the 15th ultimo [not printed], I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your cablegram of the 15th April [No. 10, F.-8, 1914] reading as follows : " Pacific cable —Terminal rates : Dominion approves your action. It is hoped Board will not compel Dominion take any action that would disturb present friendly relation. Inform Board." I will bring this message before the Board at its next meeting, which does not take place until, the 12th instant. I have, &c, Thos. Mackenzie. The Right Hon. the Prime Minister, Wellington, New Zealand. [P. & T. 11/68.]

No. 21. The Right Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. My Lord, — Colonial Office, Downing Street, Bth May, 1914. With reference to Your Excellency's despatch of the 21st November last [not printed], I have the honour to transmit to you for the information of your Ministers the accompanying copy of a despatch from the Governor-General of the Dominion of Canada on the subject of the Pacific cable terminal charges. I have, &c, L. Harcourt. Governor His Excellency thejjßight Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, K.C.M.C., M.V.0., &c. Enclosure in No. 21. His Royal Highness the Governor-General of the Dominion of Canada, to the Right Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Sir,— Montreal, Canada, 23rd April, 1914. With reference to your despatch of the Ist April [not printed], on the subject of terminal rates on cable messages charged by the Government of Australia, I am informed by my Responsible Advisers that Canada approves of the principle that the gross revenue from the Pacific cable terminal charges, less the amount chargeable at urgent inland rates, be included in the Pacific cable accounts, and is of opinion that Australia should be urged, as'a matter of equity, to accept this proposal. I have, &c, Arthur. The Right Hon. Lewis V. Harcourt, M.P., Secretary of State for the Colonies, London.