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No. 7. The Acting-Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Manager in Australasia, Eastern Extension Company, Adelaide. Sin, General Post Office, Wellington, 22nd August, 1914. T have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th ultimo forwarding m copy of correspondence between yourself and the Manager in the Pacific, Pacific Cable Board, Sydney, on the subject of statements reported to have been made by a permanent, officer of the Board at Auckland in regard to the merits of the " Pacific " and " Eastern " routes. Your company's application for the abolition of the arrangement under which canvassing on behalf of the Pacific Cable Board is undertaken by officers of this Department will have consideration on the return to New Zealand, probably in a month's time, of this Department's Secretary. I have, &c, J. C. Williamson, For Acting-Secretary. The Manager in Australasia, Eastern Extension, Australasia, and China Telegraph Company (Limited), Adelaide.

No. 8. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Manager in the Pacific, Pacific Cable Board, Sydney. Sir, — General Post Office, Wellington, sth November, 1914. In reference to the letter from this office of the 29th January last [not printed], regarding the temporary extension at places other than Auckland of the arrangement under which officers oi this Department act as canvassers for your Board, I have the honour to inform you that the Post-master-General now desires that the arrangement be terminated. I shall be glad to hear that you will make other arrangements as soon as possible. I have, &c, W. R. Morris, Secretary. The Manager in the Pacific, Pacific Cable Board, 77 Pitt Street, Sydney.

No. 9. The Superintendent, Pacific Cable Board, Auckland, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Sir,— The Pacific Cable Board, Auckland, 26th March, 1915. I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 20th instant [not printed], asking ■-> for information in re the discontinuance of the arrangement under which officers of your Department act as canvassers for the Pacific Cable Board. I beg to inform you that the Manager in the Pacific has just cabled me as follows : " The Board understand that it is the wish of Postmaster-General's Department that its officers should cease to act in Board's interests after end March, but am confident would welcome any recommendation by New Zealand. Otherwise Mr. Nesbitt, now in Wellington, will tour New Zealand as may be considered advisable." I have, &c, C. L. Hertslet, Superintendent. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington.

No. 10. The Assistant Secretary, General Post, Office, Wellington, to the Superintendent, Pacific Cable Board, Auckland. (Telegram.) Wellington, 29th March, 1915. Your letter 26th instant: Would be glad it could arrange release all officers Department from acting as canvassers from 31st instant.

No. 11. The Manager in the Pacific, Pacific Cable Board, Sydney, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 31st March, 1915. Board understands with regret that officers your Department will cease act as canvassers after 31st March. For the present Mr. Nesbitt will tour New Zealand as required.