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No. 41. The General Manager, Union Steam Ship Company, Dunedin, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand (Limited), Sir, — Dunedin, 14th April, 1915. In reply to your favour [No. 38], I beg to say that while so many of our steamers are engaged on national service we find ourselves unable to revise the dates of despatches of the trans-Pacific mail-steamers. We, however, have had this matter in view all along, and as soon as we are in a position to suggest an amended time-table we shall have much pleasure in submitting it. I have, &c, R. McK. McLennan, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. For General Manager. [Acknowledged, 21st April, 1915.]

No. 42. The Acting Clerk in Charge, Cook Islands Administration Department, Wellington, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Cook Islands Administration Department, (Memorandum.) Wellington, 14th April, 1915. Referring to previous correspondence [see No. 26] in regard to detention of the " Maitai " at Rarotonga, 1 have the honour, by direction, to transmit to you foi your information the accompanying copy of a letter, with its enclosures, which has been received in this office from the Resident Commissioner at Rarotonga. Geo. F. Dixon, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Acting Clerk in Charge. rP. & T. 36/20.]

Enclosure 1 in No. 42. The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga, to the Hon. the Minister in Charge, Cook Islands Administration, Wellington. Sir, — Cook Islands Administration, Rarotonga, 7th October, 1914. I have the honour to attach hereto a letter I gave to Captain Carson, the master of the s.s. " Maitai," in case there might be any question of his being over his time. Had he not courteously delayed his departure to take the 200 tons of fruit it would have rotted otherwise, and would have been a very serious loss to growers and shippers. I have, &C, 11. W. Northoroft, Resident Commissioner. The Hon. the Minister in Charge, Cook Islands Administration, Wellington.

Sub-enclosure to Enclosure 1 in No. 42. The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga, to Captain A. Carson, s.s. " Maitai," at Rarotonga. Sir, — Cook Islands Administration, Rarotonga, 7th October, 1914. I have the honour to request you will, if possible, delay your departure until this evening. The weather is moderating, and we have here in the sheds fully 200 tons of fruit which if left will be a very serious loss to the growers and shippers, because it will rot before it can be shipped by the next boat. If you consent to this request 1 shall esteem it a great favour. I have, &,c, H. W. Northoroft, Resident Commissioner. Captain A. Carson, s.s. " Maitai," Union Steam Ship Company, Rarotonga.

Enclosure 2 in No. 42. The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. Sir, — Cook Islands Administration, Rarotonga 7th October, 1914. ' I have the honour to inform you Captain Carson very courteously delayed the departure of s.s. " Maitai " from Rarotonga at my request, to take 200 tons of fruit on board that otherwise would have rotted on the wharf, which would have been a very serious loss to the growers and the shippers. If there should be anyquestion of his being over his time, I sincerely trust you will kindly take this fact, into consideration. I have, &c, H. W. Northoroft, The Hon, the Postmaster-General, Wellington, Resident Commissioner.